Work harder so we can replace you sooner.
Except none of this shit works, so its work harder so we can throw all your code in the trash in another five years when we chase the Next Big Thing.
I don’t understand this bs. They already have more money and notoriety (in their circles) than they could have hoped for.
Why grind their employees into the dirt?
You don’t get CEOs and billionaires.
It’s not enough to have more money than you could ever spend, you need to have all of the money.
They want the best minds working on this bullshit instead of FOSS projects that will make them obsolete.
Because their positions as executives is predicated on it. Literally how they got to these vaunted positions in the first place. The dispassionate cruelty and relentless self-aggrandizement is what enticed their predecessors and investor allies to promote them to the top of the Org Chart of one of the wealthiest companies in the world.
Employees are, after all, perfectly interchangeable and disposable. Finding new ways to squeeze them for their labor value is the best way to extract additional profit from them.
The ultra rich are so disconnected they don’t care and don’t have to. They literally are grinding millions of lives into misery so they can brag at the next Christmas dinner/country club/golf game that they made a billion and one dollars and their other family members only made a billion.
Some More News had an interesting thesis on RTO: CEOs are blaming the lack of people coming into the office as to why the line isn’t going up.
How investors can believe this I don’t understand.
Finance majors just need a base level of math and an ability to confirm to mgmt culture. Actually questioning things are not essential to their ability to make 500k/year
Sergey, my man, just get a t-shirt that says “I have no friends or hobbies and I don’t particularly like my family” instead. You don’t have to work so hard to let us know.
If it takes 1 man 1 hr to dig a 1 cubic metre hole, then in theory, 60 men will be able to dig the same hole in one minute!
Oh the carnage!
Because 100 monkeys with typewriters will write Shakespeare but it’s impossible with only 67.
And if we add more people shoveling coal into a lot more boilers we can surely make this steam train fly line a bird. Yeah, that approach doesn’t always work.
I still think you are not listening to me: if a woman can deliver a baby in 9 months, why can’t we add three women to deliver it in 3 months? Are you sure you understand math?
Please, just kill your mental and physical health a bit more, some tech bro promised me that if you do I will be ablr to fire you already.
“We” means “shareholders”, the workers will just do “the everything”.
No. Bugger off.
Eat the rich, start now.
Only if you do too.
No, we won’t, morons. Fuck CEOs