Anything that comes from Marvel. Overrated CGI tripe.
The Dark Knight Rises. Not only is it a bad Batman movie, it oddly has a pro cop message. Also, I can’t take Bane seriously at all with that ridiculous voice.
Almost all of Will Ferrell’s movies, but especially Talladega Nights, a stupid movie about stupid people doing stupid things according to a stupid script. It’s one of two movies I’ve ever walked out on (the other being Split, which is just gross). Stranger Than Fiction is the only good movie with Will Ferrell in a starring roll.
Uncut Gems
A stressful two hours of screaming and bad decisions
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
citizen kane. I mean I get it. If you geek out on cinematography history and the first of doing stuff but its just plain boring.
The godfather movies.
I understand they influenced many other movies but they are just so fucking boring.
Lucas directed Star Wars. Any. He’s an awful director in almost every aspect. Some of the worst acting from extremely talented people I’ve ever seen because he doesn’t know how to direct them.
Take the same cast, story, massage the script, and have ANYONE else direct, and it’d be great. I just can’t with Lucas.
Take the same cast, story, massage the script, and have ANYONE else direct, and it’d be great.>
Not true, they did this already with Ep7.
The Big Lebowsky
That’s a rough one. Everyone ever loves it… I completely do not get it.
Literally the only movie I’ve ever turned off part way through. Youd think that the producers would have, i don’t know, accurately depicted the force the movie is named after.
Avatar. Highest grossing movie in the world. Blue shit.
Mothman prophecies
Chappie. I had to leave the theater early to prevent any more brain damage.
I agree. It was Short Circuit meets District 9.
Yeah it really sucked
IT (2017).
I’m rereading the book right now and just watched the movie. While I agree it’s… not good and certainly not faithful to the source material, I think the kids were all fantastic. They acted their little hearts out and - in my opinion - really nailed the characters.
True, I have no problem with the actors
Any superhero movie since 2008.