In a few centuries, provided we don’t nuke ourselves into squiggles in sandstone, I look forward to personhood being extended to our canine, feline, bovine, equine, avian, reptilian, marsupial slaves and neighbors. It seems absurd that homo Sapiens is the only species with interesting stories to tell.
Non-avian reptiles have very little going on in there with very few exceptions. Dogs, some corvids, some parrots, pigs, cetaceans, apes, maybe octopuses, and probably more but that’s the spread that comes to mind: I can see “personhood” being applied. I love animals but I’m drawing a line and the average cat isn’t on the same side as me and they’re well above average in terms of reasoning and emotional capacity. Something can have personality without being a person.
Dolohins are the only ones I’m nearly 100% certain they have some kind of sapients. Probably some octopodes too but that will likely be completely alien.
In a few centuries, provided we don’t nuke ourselves into squiggles in sandstone, I look forward to personhood being extended to our canine, feline, bovine, equine, avian, reptilian, marsupial slaves and neighbors. It seems absurd that homo Sapiens is the only species with interesting stories to tell.
Non-avian reptiles have very little going on in there with very few exceptions. Dogs, some corvids, some parrots, pigs, cetaceans, apes, maybe octopuses, and probably more but that’s the spread that comes to mind: I can see “personhood” being applied. I love animals but I’m drawing a line and the average cat isn’t on the same side as me and they’re well above average in terms of reasoning and emotional capacity. Something can have personality without being a person.
Dolohins are the only ones I’m nearly 100% certain they have some kind of sapients. Probably some octopodes too but that will likely be completely alien.