Dogs don’t have much in the way of spacial reasoning or logic, possibly due to over reliance on smells and sounds for navigation.
When the doors open and things look different they might be surprised but they quickly forget what the previous floor even looked like. It’s as bewildering or thought provoking them as simply turning a corner would be. They don’t understand it enough to even be bewildered.
That said, there are interpersonal difference to dogs, some of them might be more than smart enough to get quite confused.
My dog loves getting on busses and the tube. I think he just finds it exciting to see where we’ll appear, it’s pretty great, until you’re not paying attention and he jumps on a random bus.
There is a documentary about dogs in some city using public transit to get around. Pretty sure that they remember where they are or were to some extent.
Not to say that they understand elevators. It’s probably just another room or hallway.
I’m sure they understand that the bus moves due to the many many windows and can take them to a specific place, but they could still just be navigating by scent and other factors. It’s not a good comparison to an elevator.
Dogs don’t have much in the way of spacial reasoning or logic, possibly due to over reliance on smells and sounds for navigation.
When the doors open and things look different they might be surprised but they quickly forget what the previous floor even looked like. It’s as bewildering or thought provoking them as simply turning a corner would be. They don’t understand it enough to even be bewildered.
That said, there are interpersonal difference to dogs, some of them might be more than smart enough to get quite confused.
My dog loves getting on busses and the tube. I think he just finds it exciting to see where we’ll appear, it’s pretty great, until you’re not paying attention and he jumps on a random bus.
There is a documentary about dogs in some city using public transit to get around. Pretty sure that they remember where they are or were to some extent.
Not to say that they understand elevators. It’s probably just another room or hallway.
I’m sure they understand that the bus moves due to the many many windows and can take them to a specific place, but they could still just be navigating by scent and other factors. It’s not a good comparison to an elevator.
My only point was that they are remembering where they are or were. They didn’t forget everything because they turned a corner.