You can always trust Microsoft to make two version of the same application and to have really bad naming.
And to make bad naming worse naming, since they switched Office’s name to 365 Copilot, not to be confused with 365 (office premium), Copilot (ChatGPT interface), or Copilot (Office text assistant). Office was a perfectly serviceable name they’d used for decades. It’s like Twitter rebranding themselves to a single latter like Y. Why would they throw away branding like that?
People are liable to look for office, not find it, and go "oh, Microsoft doesn’t sell Word any more ☹️’
Jack made HBO into Max. Lost all that recognition and fan support for what? Like I’m convinced more and more each day that rich people are just plain stupid.
Azure is not Entra. AAD became Entra. They did it because AAD was becoming less about Azure and covering more things than directories. So a rebranding made sense.
It’s a pretty dumb name, though. It doesn’t really mean much when you hear it, and it sounds too similar to other common words.
And to make bad naming worse naming, since they switched Office’s name to 365 Copilot, not to be confused with 365 (office premium), Copilot (ChatGPT interface), or Copilot (Office text assistant). Office was a perfectly serviceable name they’d used for decades. It’s like Twitter rebranding themselves to a single latter like Y. Why would they throw away branding like that?
People are liable to look for office, not find it, and go "oh, Microsoft doesn’t sell Word any more ☹️’
Their enterprise products as well. Azure is now Entra, all the admin page rebrandings like defender, purview, intune, the URL changes, etc.
Please just stick with a name already!!
Jack made HBO into Max. Lost all that recognition and fan support for what? Like I’m convinced more and more each day that rich people are just plain stupid.
That right there might beat Microsoft and Google name changes combined
Azure is not Entra. AAD became Entra. They did it because AAD was becoming less about Azure and covering more things than directories. So a rebranding made sense.
It’s a pretty dumb name, though. It doesn’t really mean much when you hear it, and it sounds too similar to other common words.
Ms flow vs power automate… It’s like they’re not even trying anymore. And that’s pretty much what it is. Monopolies stifle innovation and development.
Yes, that one too! smh