OpenOffice is unmaintained, unfortunately (see the LibreOffice page explaining this); LibreOffice considers officially hosting a cloud service out of their scope but Collabora does provide hosting (and you can self-host, of course). Their “Development Edition” is the free version that doesn’t come with an SLA.
OpenOffice is unmaintained, unfortunately (see the LibreOffice page explaining this); LibreOffice considers officially hosting a cloud service out of their scope butCollabora does provide hosting (and you can self-host, of course). Their “Development Edition” is the free version that doesn’t come with an SLA.edit: I can’t read
… oh damn, I didn’t catch that at all. First time hearing about them. (looks like the all caps thing is canonical too)
I guess they’re completely unaffiliated with LibreOffice? looks like their product is intended to feel as close to Microsoft as possible
Maybe that’s why they picked a name really easy to mistake for another office software suite, to mimic Microsoft’s atrocious naming schemes :P