I’m sure this must sound stupid for many, but I never get any responses, until like 3 days later when I check my spam folder and realize my scheduled interview appointment came from some random server that got deleted as spam mail.
How the hell do people get jobs online? I’ve only ever landed a job in person.
Thank you for the useless information. My Google account is over 20 years old, back when GMail was still in beta testing.
How the fuck do you change the spam filter options?
Why would I tell you after you posted such a dickhead reply?
Because your ‘information’ is completely useless and doesn’t provide any answer to my question.
Apparently Google doesn’t even have an answer or solution to the question either.
I’m not fucking stupid, I actually do know how to research things…
Ok cool man. Enjoy continuing to miss interviews I guess. Cya.
Cya - Dave Mirra
Yeah, I’m a BMX rider too, bicycle and vehicle technician as well.
I don’t really need an online application anyways, especially if the response is gonna be auto-filed in the trash.
Fuck Google, fuck AI. Thus far, I’ve gotten more regular work by just showing up in person and showing I know how to turn a wrench and get my hands dirty.