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I JUST switched over to Linux and am trying my hand at gaming. Learned about Luanti and got VoxelLibre going. Game’s great, but the lack of sprint is killing me… Looked for mods that would support it, but people were saying that the only one made stopped working.
Are there any good and active (in development) Minecraft clones that have that feature?
Voxelibre does have sprinting, its aux_1 in keybind settings. Left Ctrl by default I think
Ah, yes it does! Thank you! I had no idea what “aux_1” is and just pressing it didn’t seem to do anything - just didn’t think of pressing it while moving. Thanks!
Maybe you’d like Vintage Story, it’s not a clone, but there are many similitudes. Originally it was a minecraft mod with strong focus on survival and slow progress in the technical tree, i really like it
Vintage story is just soooo good.
This appears to be a Luanti mod for sprinting that was released within the last two weeks, so I’m assuming that it’s not whatever one they were talking about that stopped working.