I miss Lower Decks so much. As much as TOS, and when I was growing up, TOS was all we had.
Lower Decks has become a comfort show for me and as soon as I finish it, I want to start over.
Another show lost to streaming war bullshit.
I’m hopeful it gets picked up somewhere else
I thought it ended well, but certainly took an unexpected turn. Lieutenant Kim was worth it.
Edit: I also solved the problem of watching it through the high seas
Fuck I hate that song.
Me, too. It’s like a perfect snapshot of the post-9/11 country music scene I was forced to endure growing up.
But in addition to that, it always felt incongruous with Archer’s character. He’s 41 at the start of Enterprise. This is a song about how he’s been struggling for so long and no one is going to hold him back because of his faith, but the whole story is how they held his father back his whole life, and they’ve successfully held Archer back until he’s middle-aged.
As a 38-year-old, lemme tell ya. If faith didn’t get you through the door at 20, it ain’t faith getting you out the door at 41. It should’ve been a song about dogged determination in the face of adversity.
I’ll allow it.
No they’re not gonna change my mind