Just as a disclaimer: I’m not complaining, it’s great that all this exists at all :)

I’m just checking if this may be a bug or not: if I compare https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/new/ and https://lemmit.online/c/dota2?dataType=Post&page=1&sort=New then the bot is definitely skipping some posts.

For example, between “NothingToSay is called ‘responsibility god’ in CN Dota2 community.” and “TIP: Medusa doesn’t reduce magic damage to her mana when BKB is up” there are 3 other posts on reddit directly, which are missing on lemmit.online

I’m just hoping this can be fixed since this bot makes populating the “real” dota2 community I moderate much easier, but some posts I want to cross-post are missing so I need to do shit manually.

  • admin@lemmit.onlineM
    1 year ago


    You’re right that it doesn’t pick up everything, the bot is not using the new sorting, but the default, hot. I did this intentionally, in order to have a bit of quality filter. Let’s face it, with the amount of people visiting here right now, there’s not going to be much up/down voting to do quality control.

    Those posts you mentioned did make it on here eventually (once they got enough votes on reddit), but I’m afraid that if your goal is to have a 1-on-1 copy of reddit, that won’t help you much :/

    • Azzu@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      I see, yeah, then I just didn’t get how it works. What rank does a post have to have on hot to be picked up by the bot?

      I didn’t think that these communities on this server here were really supposed to be “real” communities, but mainly archives/supposed to be used for cross-posting to “real” communities. That’s certainly my use-case, the “quality control” is me (or other people) choosing which posts to cross-post to the real communities.

      • admin@lemmit.onlineM
        1 year ago

        You know what, there actually is a setting in Lemmit that allows for scraping of new. I’ll make an exception for dota2 for you, gimme a moment to fix that. Having said that - since there’s only 7 subscribers to that community right now, it will only get updated once per hour (once per half hour once it hits 10), but you will get all the posts.