What the ****?

  • nrezcm@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I agree that something needs to be done but wouldn’t issuing an EO be a slippery slope? I mean it’s not far fetched that whoever the next R President is could maliciously do the same to left/liberal groups. I’m really hoping '24 ends up being a a sweeping win for the Dems so more permanent actions can be taken but that also depends on the Dems pulling their collective heads out of their asses.

    • Exaggeration207@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I don’t think the slippery slope argument is good enough to justify continued inaction at this point. Could a Republican president try to use a domestic terrorism EO against liberal groups? Yes. But they’d have a hard time finding any liberal groups calling for gun owners to take retributive action against the government over decisions they don’t agree with. The EO would have to be worded so that only groups that make terroristic threats would be targeted, and that kind of conduct simply doesn’t exist outside of the MAGA death cult.

      If Congress would actually back legislation that would classify the Proud Boys or similar groups as terrorist organizations, I’d be advocating for that instead. But they’ve already blocked one such attempt, and I firmly believe that we’ve reached the point where continued tolerance of violent rhetoric is going to get people killed.

      • nrezcm@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It’s just so crazy and unnerving with the position we’re in right now. For the record I don’t actually think left/liberal groups would be targeted right now but the few die hard Republicans I’m loosely acquainted with probably have zero problems with groups that aren’t them being targeted and that’s what worries me. Such a precarious spot we’re in. I agree I think things are going to get worse before they get better unless some serious actions are taken.