• masquenox@lemmy.world
    1 jaar geleden

    And it’s going to work, too. Even countries that have extensive electricity grids (like the one I’m in - South Africa) are destroying their own grids by being subjected to decades of neoliberal shitfuckery by sub-imperial regimes in cahoots with their cronies in the IMF and World Bank.

    Now South Africa is using these “power ships” to patch over decades of malicious neglect while allowing European energy conglomerates next-to free reign to drill for oil in it’s territorial waters - we have even sent troops into Mozambique to help “pacify” northern Moz at the behest of Total.

    When people in South Africa protested against Shell digging up our coastlines, the apparatchiks in the ANC literally tried to accuse the protestors of having a “colonialist agenda” - for protesting against a gigantic European energy multinational looting South Africa’s resources.