I’ve got two Mac laptops, two tower PCs and five monitors. All in a small 10x6 basement office room. I’m in there 8-12 hours a day, 5-7 days a week (my gaming PC is one of the towers), for the last 15 years.

I’ve often wondered: am I shortening my life with fumes and electronic fields?

  • Rick@thesimplecorner.org
    1 year ago

    Sounds about like mine… I am jammed packed! 8x12 room, I got my work laptop & dock, two 27" monitors hooked up to my gaming pc, laptop dock and my nintendo switch. Two KRK Studio Monitors, I have a power outlet up on my wall to mount a TV that would perfect for a large monitor or tv above my two monitors. Record player with a crappy 2.1 system and old antique tube radio. Guitar cab and amplifier… RaspberryPi running my pihole…

    A LOT. lol I know the feeling…

    To that end… I love working from home and I can’t imagine going back in office full time ever again.