Tesla has consistently exaggerated the driving range of its electric vehicles, reportedly leading car owners to think something was broken when actual driving range was much lower than advertised. When these owners scheduled service appointments to fix the problem, Tesla canceled the appointments because there was no way to improve the actual distance Tesla cars could drive between charges, according to an investigation by Reuters.

  • lurkinggizmo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Me (and others) are trying to explain to you that your personal “experience” is not grounds to make statements like you are making (e.g. EVs are only for small trips). The fact that you choose to ignore all that and focus only on your own (limited) experience is not my fault.

    Limiting it to “in my area” it would be absolutely fine and right, but you are incorrectly telling people like it is not ready for prime time yet everywhere, when it clearly is.

    So if you let that go, there would be no need to keep repeating yourself ;) but you keep opening a can of worms if each reply contains a blanket statement.

    I’ll let it go, sorry for hammering on about it.