• I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
    1 year ago

    Leftists: “We just want to live our lives healthy and happy”

    You sick fucks: “We just want to murder people who live happy in a way we don’t enjoy”

    I can see which side is objectively better

    • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      Leftists: “We just want to live our lives healthy and happy”

      I call bullshit on this one. You only have to look at the leftists in the US with their “peaceful protests” (aka violent riots) and all the political bs the trans “rights” movement keeps peddling like wanting to allow men in women’s bathrooms, force people by risk of job loss and/or important to address them by their madeup delusions, and to groom children.

      That sure sounds like being “left alone” to me /s

      You sick fucks: “We just want to murder people who live happy in a way we don’t enjoy”

      First, stones aren’t necessarily fatal. They can also be used to just encourage undesirables to leave or not off their shit.

      Anyway, even if you are right, last I checked, putting a sick individual out of their misery was called euthanasia, not murder.

      • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
        1 year ago

        I’m a leftist, I want to be left alone by you. Proof enough.

        When you’re an asshole, you get treated like one. If you refuse to call someone by their name, you’ll be treated like the asshole you are.

        You care so much about these people you’ve literally never met before, you’re pathetic.

        • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.comOP
          1 year ago

          I’m a leftist

          Gee, between the name and the comments, I never would have guessed /s

          btw you wouldn’t happen to also be the crybaby that’s been ddos’ing everybody lately, would you? Noticed the site was working pretty good until right around the time you replied lol.

          I want to be left alone by you

          Again, going to call bullshit. For both you specifically and for leftists in general. Already covered the latter in my previous so for the former:

          Unless you somehow completely missed that you have a block button for users as well as a per-community block button in Lemmy and then somehow also can’t figure out that when you comment on a public forum that people are likely to comment back… Then it seems quite obvious that you’re here to bitch and complain, as anybody that “wanted to be left alone” would either go to a sub that supports that or block/ignore the people/subs they don’t like. So I’m guessing either you’re trolling, you’re saying that you’re about as bright as a faded black crayon, or you’re attempting to prove it by making such a blatantly false statement.

          If you want to express a different opinion, that’s cool but trying to be deceptive and say shit like “oh i just want to be left alone” while also posting dumb stuff like this is pretty funny. And if you wanna block me, no sweat off my back.

          If you refuse to call someone by their name, you’ll be treated like the asshole you are.

          I will call them by their name: their birth name. I just refuse to play make believe with them.

          You care so much about these people you’ve literally never met before, you’re pathetic.

          Oh, so you suddenly know everything about me, do you? Wow, I didn’t realize I had literally never met all the annoying dipshits I’ve had to put up with over the years. Wonder what I could ever have gotten so annoyed about. /s

          And for the record, I don’t really give a shit about them. If they want to cut off their dicks then go choke on a rope QUIETLY in their own PRIVATE space, then more power to them. I think it’s a bloody damn shame that doctors who should have referred them to get mental help and counseling instead took their money and lobbed off their bits and bobs without blinking an eye. But if they’re bound and determined to mutilate themselves and commit suicide when reason and regret catch up with them, then I’m not going to stand in their way.

          What I give a shit about is their annoying behavior and how repercussions of their mental illness are affecting the rest of society. And most importantly how they are trying to force the rest of us to take part in their faggoty fairy tales.

          I can support a eunuch’s right to live, but a trans publicly larping as a woman isn’t a basic human right anymore than me publicly larping as a black guy would be. They aren’t women any more then fruit-shaped wax is real fruit and the only things that will ever come out of their stank nasty rotten axe wounds are maggots and tomato paste. And any pedos trying to push that on children… Well, I would absolutely advocate stoning those creepy mfs to death but I would actually prefer them to be burned at the stake whenever possible.