For me, it would be The Expanse, and Dark

(I am hopping to get recommendations for some good scifi shows I haven’t been introduced to from here)

    1 year ago

    The expanse.

    If they don’t end up making seasons 7-9, or cover the material in some movies, I am going to be so freaking disappointed.

    Tiamets wrath might just be my favorite sci-fi book ever.

      1 year ago

      I find it funny that I see Tiamat’s Wrath as the weakest of the final three. I still think it is really good, but it still felt mainly like a bridge between Persepolis Rising and Leviathan Falls to me.

      I really liked Persepolis Rising. I liked the down ending, but that could also be why many don’t like it.
      And then Leviathan Falls has a very good ending. It felt right. The main characters had their threads closed up in a way that shows their character. Holden goes a very Holden way. Alex finally chooses family over space. Amos is weirder than ever but acts as if it is completely normal.

      Actually now that I think of it while writing, I may be coming around. Tiamat’s Wrath had the most badass Bobbie moments ever. While it still may not be my favorite book, anyone who read the book will know which Bobbie event would likely be one of the greatest sci-fi episodes ever.