After participating in a 48-hour blackout protest against Reddit’s decision to charge third-party developers for API access, moderators of the World of Warcraft subreddit have announced that the subreddit will be indefinitely returning to private mode in continued protest.
That’s good news! I wonder if reddark will track how many subs went public after the 48 hours and stayed there.
I’ll admit, that was one of the few that I usually had pinned to the Reddit Enhancement Suite top bar and would browse. With it dark, there’s little crack urge to check back (plus it’s not like there’s going to be any really good news about them tweaking Windwalker Monk in any significant way (aside from that measly 2% damage aura boost.)
LOL I am dying laughing at the comments on wowhead describing the /r/wow mod team as “power tripping”
I don’t know what it is with humans and seeming to yearn for authoritarianism but that vibe is in full force in the USA right now
It’s more just them wanting what’s convienent for them. They use Reddit a lot and having that disrupted annoys them so they’ll attack what they see as the cause for that, mods privating subreddits. When they should really be complaining that reddit hasn’t found a compromise yet to end the blackouts. While yes the mods could end the blackouts at any time and let these users use the subreddits again reddit could also at any time back down and stop the problem as well.
Don’t game devs occasionally post there too?
@Sabata11792 no, but their customer support keeps an eye on it