I’ve got a audio/tech question, maybe someone here might have some insight into.

I’m in need of noise cancellation for various and sundry reasons. i own a pair of BOSE ANC headphones which are tits, but have been looking for a pair of GOOD ANC earbuds that don’t cost $300 bucks, and had an idea that all ANC appears to be, when you break it down, is sound that the earphones/earbuds produce which bounce around in the ear canal and hit the ear drum in certain ways as to “cancel” out various types of background noise.

Again the ANC on my BOSE are amazing. Does anyone know, or have even heard of (no pun intended) anyone who has produced “noise cancelling” sound files?

It seems as if noise cancelling hardware like earphones are producing sounds that cancel out noise, mp3/flac files of “noise cancelling” sound could be on offer somewhere.

Dunno, figured i’d ask. Hope this is the right place to do that, and I’m not breaking any rules, I didn’t know where else to post this.

  • solrize@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    the absolute quiet

    WANT. I didn’t know that existed now. Best I’ve been able to do is foamies, that are better than nothing, but still let in a lot of sound. I will go look for new Bose IEM’s. Thanks.

    Added: Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds, I think. I’ll see what I can find out. 6 hour runtime is a bit unfortunate though, not enough to get through a work day.

    Btw, a lot of the blurb about these is about music playback quality and I don’t want that at all. No music, just quiet. If they are 10db quieter at speech frequencies than typical 32db NRR foamies then that is probably worth the $250 to me. The amount of productivity I lose to office chatter distraction exceeds that in like no time.

    Is there a reasonable way to replace the batteries once they crap out? Frankly I’d be fine with a wired version.