A VEGAN influencer is feared to have died of starvation after attempting to live on a fruit only diet. Zhanna Samsonova, 39, previously told how she spent four years eating and drinking just fruitsā€¦

  • Angel Jamie@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Hey, vegan here. Itā€™s okay if you want to hate veganism and/or vegans themselves. Quite frankly, I donā€™t care, but please refrain from omitting important details in the article to make plant-based diets as a whole look bad. It makes you look like a close-minded moron who will grasp at any straws to justify your position.

    Any diet handled poorly will be nutritionally detrimental, no shit, and she just happened to handle her plant-based diet by consuming essentially nothing but raw fruit. For you to fail to acknowledge this actually makes me think youā€™re just, in bad faith, looking for any leverage you can get to shit on veganism when you donā€™t have to. I can assure you that, as a vegan, I find her dietary choices insane.

    Let me leave you with this: think for a moment. Be a little more critical about how you approach a matter like this. Iā€™m not saying this for my sake; Iā€™m saying it for yours, so you donā€™t embarrass yourself online by coming off as a dense motherfucker with a straightforward, black-and-white, narrow , linear thought process.


    • Gh05t@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Wow. Are you going to be ok? Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re reading into my comment with some baggage.

      Youā€™re absolutely right about fruit based - I casually wrapped vegan and fruit based together without realizing that she was practicing an extreme diet and it wasnā€™t indicative of a vegan diet.

      I suppose Iā€™m not aware of how much grief you get from society or people to defend your choices.

      Iā€™ll try not to comment on vegan topics anymore and Iā€™m not sure what I said specifically to deserve such venom but Iā€™ll do my best to not come across as a moron I guess.

      I didnā€™t obfuscate facts from the article. I wasnā€™t attempting to summarize the article. I was asking how her diet doesnā€™t account for issues stemming from her diet. But I see now what you mean that her being vegan and eating only fruit are two different things. I guess reading it casually I wasnā€™t sensitive to what must be your plight.

      Hope you feel better.

      • Angel Jamie@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Iā€™m going to be just fine. Dude, Iā€™m just interpreting this very face value. The article outright references eating ā€œan all fruit dietā€. The fact that you went out of your way to seemingly make this about veganism being the inherent concern just reeked of bad faith. CTFO.

        • Gh05t@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          Yes. I need to chill. Me. How much more face value can you get from the lede in the article? Maybe the title of the article I suppose. However as addressed by other comments the article in whole was probably in bad faith.

          You donā€™t need to defend your life. I hope you donā€™t approach every exchange as an opportunity to fight. There must be a better way to communicate without being combative with each other. Surely not every interaction needs to be conflict? I wasnā€™t attacking you or veganism. I donā€™t know you and please donā€™t think you know me. I didnā€™t think my comment was antagonizing. If I was thatā€™s entirely on me.

          My wife and I were considering how to alter our diet. Our friend is a vegan and we were talking about it with him. Iā€™ll stick to that. Iā€™ll try to not be a dense mother fucker and I hope you are open to people surprising you with happiness and joy. Or not. Doesnā€™t matter to me.

          • Angel Jamie@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            Yes. I need to chill. Me. How much more face value can you get from the lede in the article? Maybe the title of the article I suppose. However as addressed by other comments the article in whole was probably in bad faith.

            You donā€™t need to defend your life. I hope you donā€™t approach every exchange as an opportunity to fight. There must be a better way to communicate without being combative with each other. Surely not every interaction needs to be conflict? I wasnā€™t attacking you or veganism. I donā€™t know you and please donā€™t think you know me. I didnā€™t think my comment was antagonizing. If I was thatā€™s entirely on me.

            My wife and I were considering how to alter our diet. Our friend is a vegan and we were talking about it with him. Iā€™ll stick to that. Iā€™ll try to not be a dense mother fucker and I hope you are open to people surprising you with happiness and joy. Or not. Doesnā€™t matter to me.

            Itā€™s not that deep.

            • Gh05t@beehaw.org
              1 year ago

              I think it is. I think this applies to your life more than youā€™d like to probably admit. I hope that you find joy and bliss and realize that the people in your life care about you and you donā€™t need to defend who you are to anyone.

              I donā€™t know you and wasnā€™t looking to fight with you and after you called me a dense motherfucker for being - in your eyes - willfully repugnant I still care enough about you to see someone hurting. So if a stranger on the internet can reach out to you and hopes with all his being that you find solace then maybe the world doesnā€™t suck. Soā€¦ yeah it is that deep. At least for me.

              • Angel Jamie@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                I think it is. I think this applies to your life more than youā€™d like to probably admit. I hope that you find joy and bliss and realize that the people in your life care about you and you donā€™t need to defend who you are to anyone.

                I donā€™t know you and wasnā€™t looking to fight with you and after you called me a dense motherfucker for being - in your eyes - willfully repugnant I still care enough about you to see someone hurting. So if a stranger on the internet can reach out to you and hopes with all his being that you find solace then maybe the world doesnā€™t suck. Soā€¦ yeah it is that deep. At least for me.

                Itā€™s not that deep.

                • Redscare867@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Dude obviously has an axe to grind about vegans and then theyā€™re going to come here and gaslight us about how theyā€™re oh so sorry, but actually itā€™s you who is the problem. What a joke.