For a sub that’s supposed to promote Reddit alternatives, there sure is a lot of pessimism on there. I see so many people dismissing Lemmy and kbin already for being too inaccessible, the UI is clunky, it’s hard to pick up etc and saying these sites will never take off. But why? Of course a platform in its infancy will have hurdles to overcome, and it takes time for devs to implement all the QOL features to make the site more intuitive. And when I see people trying to explain how Lemmy works, people just respond “Too complicated, I’m not reading all that etc.”

Do people expect a fully functional Reddit clone with all the same features to conveniently exist somewhere they can hop to? Do people not realise that Reddit itself was just as confusing when users migrated from Digg all those years ago? Do they not realise sites take time to mature?

RedditAlternatives is the only subreddit I still use because I want to help people make the jump, but it’s kinda disheartening seeing the attitudes there. Anyone has a more optimistic take on this?

    1 year ago

    Reddit is filled with people who think Reddit is the only place that can do reddit things. They are too young to remember forums or any other alternative. Not to mention general computer literacy has gone down in the last decade since every major site has built in tons of simplicity/convenience.

    • Frz@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Fair, but I find it so strange that these people would be in a sub called RedditAlternatives but go “nope, nope, nah, nuh-uh” at every alternative presented just because the alternative isn’t exactly the same as Reddit, without even giving them a chance. Lemmy isn’t even that complicated, I’ve supported several users through the jump by answering their questions on the process in DMs, and so far all of them eventually got it after some explanation. But the rest of the commenters act like you need to open a backend console and run 50 lines of code just to create an account. I’m just… saddened, honestly.

    1 year ago

    Like a lot of new users I’m only here because Reddit killed the app I used. I don’t like the official Reddit app. But if I’m honest, it’s still a better experience than Lemmy right now. You can’t deny that Lemmy has less content and more warts.

    Like any early adopter, I’m here for the potential. For what I hope this can one day become. That’s not something a majority of people care about. If/when Lemmy reaches parity for “normal” users, attitudes will change quickly.

    • Frz@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I’m not too concerned with the users who go “Looks interesting but a little too confusing for me right now so I’ll pass.” What bothers me is the ones who outright spread “Lol these alternatives are shit, Lemmy will never take off, too counterintuitive, this site has no future!!!”. Like chill guys, it takes time. Not your thing yet? Fine. But why be so quick to outright dismiss it?

    1 year ago

    Cynicism? On Reddit!?

    In seriousness, I think it’s a mix of things. There’s survivorship bias–some number of Lemmy posters (me, for example) have left, never to return. So we’re not in r/RedditAlternatives speaking in favor of Lemmy. Some of it’s frustration over this whole situation. It is very unfortunate things went down this way. And there’s legitimate criticism too. Lemmy’s got quite a bit growing and maturing to do before it could get anywhere near the size and breadth of Reddit.

    But it’s also important to realize Lemmy is not going to be a clone of Reddit. It’s not trying to and it wouldn’t succeed if it did. No one thing is going to replace Reddit for everybody. Personally, I think that’s a big plus. There’s value in a smaller community. I like that Lemmy is decentralized by design but there also needs to be more diversity on the Internet in general. Some communities will be better served by spinning up their own message boards, going to different sites and experimenting with different formats. Quite a few are going to stay on Reddit and probably thrive for years to come. And that’s fantastic, that’s what we should’ve been doing all along.

    Singular, monolithic solutions are the real problem, imo.

      1 year ago

      So we’re not in r/RedditAlternatives speaking in favor of Lemmy.

      This is important. I’ve mentioned it before. There are probably levels of people: and those that straight up quit, are no longer a voice on Reddit. You could go back with a goal to draw people away, but I think it’s also valid to let things play out their course. I’m still missing some subreddits I went to, especially those where I lurked rather than posted. I can live with that loss. I don’t use Twitter any more and I didn’t replace that with anything. I’m sure my life will go on without some replacement subreddits for now.

      • pezmaker
        1 year ago

        These are all great points as well. There were a lot of different ways to interact with and use Reddit. I didn’t really live in any subs as much as use Reddit to see random things to pass my time and occasionally get help from certain subs.

        Even in the knowledge based usage for me, i was usually around long enough to get the startup knowledge to waste time and money and storage space on a new hobby, ignore the subreddit that got me started as I explored the new hobby, then answer the questions that the old hands got tired of answering but I had fresh experience to answer without the exhaustion of answering the same questions over and over again.

        I think Lemmy is going to hit my needs absolutely on target. I don’t think I’ll delete my Reddit account or blast my old comments, bit that depends somewhat on how spez continues to push forward. In many ways I’m glad I’m being pushed to try something new.

        This is getting a lot longer than I thought I would go. I’ll wrap it up with saying I’m also noticing that without the critical mass of Reddit, the spamming, trolls, manipulation farms aren’t here yet that I’ve seen and it’s been a really refreshing experience to see the increased quality of posts and conversations. Even with shit posts and memes.

    1 year ago

    Do people expect a fully functional Reddit clone with all the same features to conveniently exist somewhere they can hop to?


    EDIT: Ok, I should add something more. Sadly, yes. I’ve seen comments from people say pretty much that. “I went there and there’s no content and the UI isn’t great”. hrumph. Of course there isn’t and no one should expect there to be. Reddit didn’t start with all that shit either, but Reddit exists now and it pleases a lot of people, despite the cracks forming all around them.

    1 year ago

    I just joined Lemmy 2 days ago and heard about it last week because of all the protest. I don’t find it unintuitive at all, but I can understand the confusion.

    Most people want something simple. Going on Reddit all one needs to do (nowadays) is login -> login with <service_name> and boom that person just made an account.

    On Lemmy you have to pick an instance -> choose which instance you want to join (which can be hard for some people or they can find it unintuitive) -> go to register and create an account (and sometimes wait for it to be accepted, or even answer questions before that. Although there are instances that don’t need all this stuff, the amount of choices can make it difficult). It might not look hard, but to someone that wants something simple and easy is probably not very good of an experience.

    • pezmaker
      1 year ago

      It took me a minute to figure it out 2 days ago and I don’t think I’m a dummy, but who knows. That said, my “Reddit sort by top-> this hour” addiction is already well being fed and I’m happy.

    1 year ago

    I think it’s also a fear of the unknown, kind of like those who are hesitant to move from Windows to Linux. They would rather tolerate garbage because it’s familiar garbage.

    1 year ago

    The main thing for me is that i dislike the federation. Also the UI is a bit ugly but that’s easily fixable

      1 year ago

      Aside from the adjustment to not having centralizated single points of entry for popular topics, and the early growing pains being experienced right now… what’s not to like about federation? Isn’t that what ensures we won’t fall into the same trap down the road where user/moderator benefit is deprioritized for the sake of commercialization?

    1 year ago

    What these people are really saying is that it’s not really bad enough on Reddit for them to migrate.

    And you know what? Fair enough, that’s a perfectly valid position to take, and we should respect that descision. Not everyone sees a third party app as all that necessary, and many are happy to scroll through promoted posts. It’s not for other people to decide how you get to enjoy a product, after all.

    Of course, many of us who have left have clued in that Reddit is not the product, Reddit is a cage to hold the product: Redditors; that the user experience on Reddit will only continue to decline as it inevitably does with the enshitification business model. Meanwhile Lemmy will continue to improve.

    You can’t save people from themselves. Some people are so entrenched they will stay to the bitter end. The cost benefit of jumping ship from one platform to another is going to be different for everyone, it’s going to change as Reddit pushes monetisation and community projects focus on features to attract users, and you have to accept that.