“And as I was walking out, I heard a single clap. Followed by another. And another. Faster, now. I turned to see Josh, slowly rising to his feet, a proud, silent respect in his eye. As I continued for the door, slowly but surely, a chorus of hands crescendoed into whoops and hollers. The entire dealership, the mechanics, the salesMEN, the wives, all stood staring in reverence, the wives in lust, as I pushed through the double glass doors in slow motion and out into my carrier. The credits rolled. True story.”
“all the agents at the dealership now have notes at their cubicle about Private Travelers because of this transaction”
I bet they do.
“And as I was walking out, I heard a single clap. Followed by another. And another. Faster, now. I turned to see Josh, slowly rising to his feet, a proud, silent respect in his eye. As I continued for the door, slowly but surely, a chorus of hands crescendoed into whoops and hollers. The entire dealership, the mechanics, the salesMEN, the wives, all stood staring in reverence, the wives in lust, as I pushed through the double glass doors in slow motion and out into my carrier. The credits rolled. True story.”
Label taxes as private sale fee…
“easy money”.
-the note
The whole ‘what did you leant a out this transaction’ triggered me. Fuck you dude, I’m here to sell stuff not be your student.