okay, not really
after a 14 hour plane ride, the existential threat of transporters seems a lot less important …
I don’t get it. Does this imply that bodies can be taken over by other souls? Also, what happens if the body is not disintegrated? Does the soul fracture to inhabit the clone(s)?
Different take. (Take them both.)
Body will be taken over by malicious or desperate beings. Like demons or lesser evils. (Like the old movie where the killer is a soul that moves between bodies.)
If they were ever going to make a spiritual sequel to the movie event horizon, this would be the topic I would hope it would address.
Scientists succeed in inventing teleportation technology only to discover that the things beyond the light also would like to have bodies again.
My impression is that if your soul is not contained in a body for a long enough period, it becomes a target for a darker being or creature (like how a lion would hunt a zebra).
I would also imagine if your body is not disintegrated, then your soul would remain in the original container, and the clone would be soulless.
It says get to your body first, not get to your body quickly
it becomes a target for a darker being or creature (like how a lion would hunt a zebra).
The body or the soul becomes a target?
I would imagine the soul. The body is used as a means of protecting it from this creature.
Now I’m imagining a human soul that starts evolving and becoming a hunter in the soul realm.
Aaaaand an anime is born. 😁
It’s longer than you think.
(I have a severe irrational fear of teleportation)
that’s the beauty of not believing in a soul or similar: for teleportation to affect your mind it would have to affect your body, and that’s nothing unusual.
It’s just a hazard like any other, absolute worst case it scrambles your brain and leaves you with locked-in syndrome, and the only thing causing that to be worse than death is that we have a cultural taboo against’s eternity in there…
Longer than you think! Longer than you think!
Pshh, Nintendo fans could just pretend they are waiting in line for the Switch 2.
It’s just transporter psychosis, Broccoli
Here’s a video to make your fear rational.