“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”
Imagine how bad it would be if Americans didn’t have guns to defend themselves.
And if those guns didn’t have guns of their own.
The only thing that can stop a bad gun with a gun is a good gun with a gun.
Gun guns. A gun that shoots out guns. Sounds like something from a Borderlands game.
Louisianians be like “Chicago tho amirite”
If you take Chicago and New Orleans out of the mix, the two states are actually fairly even.
There’s some bad boujee downindatbayou.
That’d be the French influence
What’s the deal with Louisiana?
outside of NO, the region is reletively low on education, poverty ridden and low opportunity. its the trio that makes high homicide rate.
Oh there’s plenty of people killing each other in the city too.
reletively low on education
You don’t say
Corruption, poor education, overpowered oil/gas lobby, for-profit prison system that encourages recidivism
And that’s just scratching the surface
deleted by creator
I remember reading something while ago that did link high temperatures with higher rates of things like violence. Essentially, being hot all the damn time makes everyone’s baseline level of irritability higher and so things escalate more often. Seems a bit counter-intuitive though if we all came from Africa so I’m not sure how true it ultimately is.
In Europe the stereotype is definitely that “blood gets warmer” the more south you go. It certainly holds a bit of truth in my experience, the attitudes in Marseille or Rome are much more spicy than in Berlin, Amsterdam etc.
Wasn’t that where true detective season 1 was based in? Says all you need to know.
Get killed… Louisiana fast
Think 15 milly
Must be the Mississipi River. It just gets redder as you go down from Minnesota to Louisiana.
What’s up with Liechtenstein? That’s five people and a fortune, how are they competing with the US?
Pretty sure the amount they’re listed as having on the graph is equivalent to one single homicide, due to their low population.
Probably true, yes. Death by Hilti!
Exactly. Extremely small population and short duration (just one year’s data) means even a small number of murders in a given year will easily bump it up.
Just checked. With a population of 40k people and a rate of 2.6 murders per 100k, that comes out to a whopping 1 murder. Interestingly, their homicide rate went up by 98.55% in 2021. So… yeah… 2 people murdered.
Missouri is actually #1 if you count all the copicides.
Ah yes, the mostly aptly named state, misery.
UK isn’t included for some reason, but in 2020 it was 1.00.
I wanted to say “Duh brexit” but as switzerland is also included and some other non-eu states…
Also the title doesn’t say EU, it says Europe.
Reading should be a thing, right?
What’s the reason for excluding so many european countries in this graphic?
The UK not being included makes me think that these are only EU member countries? I don’t know for sure though.
Switzerland is included though. I’m thinking it’s just data availability.
It literally says Eurostat in the bottom right
Eurostat (European Statistical Office; DG ESTAT) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission (…). Eurostat’s main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.
It looks like their source was the Eurostat Data Browser. Maybe these are just the countries it has data for?
so many
Two countries are being left out. Is two a high number to you?
UK, Switserland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia.
Cyprus is included for some reason.
Which two of the above were you referring to?
The numbers for Russia and Ukraine would be quite bad at the moment, me thinks.
Isn’t the aim of the game to make US look bad?
The US does look bad. There is no make involved. The US homocide / gun deaths numbers are en par to some failed states or those with civil or actual war.
Your argument would be illustrated if this post included europe, as the title claimed it would.
Ok, so the US is only much worse than the majority of EU countries.
That better?
Amazing, huh, how comparing the US to other modern civilised countries makes the US look bad?
I wonder what that means…
The reason the US looks bad is because the US is bad. You don’t need to aim very high… I mean, you don’t need to aim at all, or put any effort into it. Just let the US be the US and it already does all the looking bad for you.
and Bosnia and Herzegovina
The UK left the EU, and since when the hell was Russia part of it!?
Title says Europe, not EU.
seems to be some non-eu countries…
Yet switserland is colored in
hence SOME
As with all EU policy, the purpose is to make the USA look bad. This is the only reason Russia is not even in the EFTA or the EU.
I have insider information that powers are play are trying to engineer a way to kick out Latvia to make the statistics more embarrassing to you.
PS: UK 1.48, Switserland Not a country, Russia 6.8, Belarus 2.32, Ukraine 3.84 pre-war, Moldavia 2.27 USA 6.38
I don’t think adding Russia will make the difference you think it will, since it’s barely more violent than the US.
The UK would be 1.00 on this chart - source
I used wikipedia’s data that is sourced from UNODC and is apparently for 2021. For states the size of the UK it doesn’t really matter, fluctuations are small. Any given year the US will have ~6 times the homicide rate of the UK.
Whenever you see a map with data about most European countries but not the UK, it’s probably Eurostat. After Brexit they stopped sharing their data.
No data available is what I assumed.
Pretty sure the UK is no longer part of Europe. The greyed out countries aren’t part of Europe, so why would they be included?
The UK is part of Europe, it just isn’t part of the EU.
I mean, they would certainly like to be again.
Not sure about that. The 51% who voted against membership still voted for the trainwreck of Tory leaderships.
They won’t admit that it was a fuck up, because collapsing an economy, killing workers rights, and plunging more people into poverty than the past 30 years is fair game when you’re a racist.
Out-dated British imperial ideals. For some reason a sizable portion of the UK believes they’re the most important country in the world because of… Legacy?
Except that legacy has made a lot of bad blood around the world, and the rest of Europe was kind of happy to see the UK go, because the UK always wanted an exceptional place in e edy decision and deal with the EU.
So many things you’ve said have been so wrong so far.
You completely misunderstand what happen, what is happening, and other peoples reactions.
You should stick with your poorly thought out American politics.
I’m European. But yes, do please tell me how I “misunderstood” things, and not simply made an observation about the sheer arrogance and hubris of the UK, as one of your neighbours.
Why do these European charts omit the UK?
We left the EU, not the bloody continent.
The data is provided by Eurostat. An EU organisation, they are not going to fund numbers for a country not in the EU anymore (some other countries might still join for various reasons.)
If they hold that stance, the graph should not use ‘Europe’ when they essentially mean ‘EU member nations’, especially if they omit the UK for the reasons you state as the UK is a part of Europe.
Edit: not sure how difficult this is to understand. Europe is a continent, which includes the UK. The chart says Europe, not EU, whilst omitting a country within Europe.
I feel for you. I understand what you’re saying. Unfortunately I only have one up vote to counter everyone else.
In this case it is the graph makers laziness to not find extra stats on the UK. On the other part I believe the UK has the choice to join again, especially on side project as Eurostat. If a European country doesn’t want to join on European initiatives then I’m bit sure if we should treat them specially. The choice is theirs and it was clearly made.
Switzerland and Norway are not part of the EU either.
We are on there but we had no killings. Just tragic accidents for the greater good.
Alabama: “We aren’t Mississippi!”
Guess they can include a few others too.
What’s up in the baltic?
The leading cause of homicide in the Baltic countries is alcohol. What is interesting is that the victims are usually family members and friends, because you drink at the same table and when you argue, you get angry and it ends badly. It is rare that a person is killed without a connection to the killer, and if it does happen, it makes the national headlines.
During the multiple occupations of the Baltic countries, alcohol was used to control the population. The tsar used it, Stalin used it and now Putin uses it. Alcohol helps to escape from reality and provides comfort. It will take time to overcome the alcoholic generations, measures are being taken to help solve the problem, but you can’t change a country where for more than a hundred years alcoholism was the norm.
I’d just like to interject and say we cause our own alcoholism, thank you very much. No help from our “friend” in the east needed.
That and vendetta honor comfort
Really? wildly waves hands at history
You gotta be extremely ignorant of even basic history to not see why.
Maybe you’re right. I know very little about the history of the baltics, it never came up even once at school. Also news coverage about it is lackluster at best.
Do you have any specific events/timeperiods I should look into?
Try looking up the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Baltic countries were doing great* before that shit.
*Well, pretty good and a place like Riga was flourishing
Idk, maybe the collapse of Yugoslavia? Perhaps the Ottoman rule and aftermath. Different religions tied to different cultures as a deviding factor seem to stand out to meEdit: I can’t read apparently, disregard my comment.
The Baltics and Balkan are two different places fyi.
The Baltics have nothing to do with Yugoslavia or the Ottoman Empire. This surprised me too and I have no ready explanation.
What’s up with New Hampshire that it’s on par with the EU countries?
NH has the lowest poverty rate of all the states. Plus it’s generally cold and rural so people are more isolated and chill.
Authright (PCM) has an answer but I won’t repeat it here
Why not? Are you some sorta coward? I’ll say it: yeah, fascists think a whiter population leads to reduced crime rates. That’s because fascists are rubes and imbeciles with such a stunted worldview that they’re incapable of considering the effects of any other socio-economic factors such as education, distribution of wealth, etc.
fascists think a whiter population leads to reduced crime rates
Japan has entered the chat. Actually, lots of non-white nations, particularly in Asia have low homicide rates. OP is about homicides specifically, so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate
Like I said, white supremacists are fucking morons. News at 11.
It’s not my view
I should hope not, but skirting around it that way with euphemisms like “PCM authright” is the sort of shitlord behaviour I would’ve expected from someone who does hold that view, so I guess it’s a good thing we cleared that up.
I bring it up because new Hampshire is specifically mentioned by the alt right with racist motives. Thanks for implying I’m a shitlord and a coward though that’s a great way to win over liberals like me.
Latvia is the Louisiana of Europe
Alternatively, Louisiana is the Latvia of the United States. But with fewer social programs.
A bit surprising seeing us at the top since I rarely feel uncomfortable walking alone during night even through questionable areas. I usually do not even see anyone else so that might be the reason why nothing significant has happened.
Most of those murders probably are from people you know because usually headlines mention something like ″Some guy kills another guy over a bottle of vodka and argument″. Rarely you see in news incidents where murder seems to have happened to random person.
The only recent thing that shook me quite a bit was meeting a guy with large knife. I still do not know if it was just for his own protection and he was some local guard since I was in an industrial area where you would not expect anyone. He was visibly drunk and spoke Russian which I barely know so I did not spend too much time thinking about it and just run the hell away.
It’s also better than it was before. In 90s we had a bit of a gangster period. Source.
“Surely not!” And then with a heavy sigh, I remembered Baltimore.
Same thing happened to me 😔