Day 4: Ceres Search
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- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
Had some time to clean up the code today since the solution was quite straight forward after making a plan on how to approach it.
function readWordSearch(inputFile::String)::Matrix{Char} f = open(inputFile,"r") lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f) close(f) wordSearch = Matrix{Char}(undef,length(lines),length(lines)) for (i,line) in enumerate(lines) wordSearch[i,:] = collect(line) end return wordSearch end function countXMASAppearances(wS::Matrix{Char})::Int appearanceCount::Int = 0 for i=1 : size(wS)[1] #lines for j=1 : size(wS)[2] #columns wS[i,j]!='X' ? continue : nothing #continue if char is not X #if char is X, check surrounding area # check horizontals #left j>=4 ? (wS[i,j-1]*wS[i,j-2]*wS[i,j-3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing #right j<=size(wS)[2]-3 ? (wS[i,j+1]*wS[i,j+2]*wS[i,j+3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing # check verticals #up i>=4 ? (wS[i-1,j]*wS[i-2,j]*wS[i-3,j]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing #down i<=size(wS)[1]-3 ? (wS[i+1,j]*wS[i+2,j]*wS[i+3,j]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing # check diagonals #left up i>=4 && j>=4 ? (wS[i-1,j-1]*wS[i-2,j-2]*wS[i-3,j-3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing #right up i>=4 && j<=size(wS)[2]-3 ? (wS[i-1,j+1]*wS[i-2,j+2]*wS[i-3,j+3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing #left down i<=size(wS)[1]-3 && j>=4 ? (wS[i+1,j-1]*wS[i+2,j-2]*wS[i+3,j-3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing #right down i<=size(wS)[1]-3 && j<=size(wS)[2]-3 ? (wS[i+1,j+1]*wS[i+2,j+2]*wS[i+3,j+3]=="MAS" ? appearanceCount+=1 : nothing) : nothing end end return appearanceCount end function countX_MASAppearances(wordSearch::Matrix{Char})::Int appearances::Int = 0 for l=2 : size(wordSearch)[1]-1 for c=2 : size(wordSearch)[2]-1 wordSearch[l,c]!='A' ? continue : nothing checkArr = [wordSearch[l-1,c-1],wordSearch[l-1,c+1],wordSearch[l+1,c-1],wordSearch[l+1,c+1]] if checkArr in [['M','M','S','S'],['M','S','M','S'],['S','S','M','M'],['S','M','S','M']] appearances += 1 end end end return appearances end wordSearch::Matrix{Char} = readWordSearch(inputFile prinltn("part 1 appearances: $(countXMASAppearances(wordSearch))") prinltn("part 2 appearances: $(countX_MASAppearances(wordSearch))")