• absquatulate@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The article doesn’t really take into account local romanian realities and assumes malice where incompetence fits perfectly.

    For example, one running theory is that the running coalition wanted to push an extremist candidate in the second turn of elections so that people will vote with their own “moderate” candidate, they underestimated his presence on tiktok and they’ve been running in panic mode making rushed decisions ever since the 24th of nov. This is further enforced by the fact that they’ve somehow had their online campaign hijacked in favour of georgescu.

    You’d also be hard pressed to call the current ruling coalition anti-russian or pro-war. They’re just cowards that try their utmost to not anger russia and only help ukraine when pressed by our nato allies.

    Going further, the article describes georgescu as if being pro-russian is his only sin. But russian views notwithstanding, the man is a complete wacko that absolutely cannot be allowed to run a country. We also have a growing number of people voting for guys like him, for various reasons. Parliamentary elections have seen 30% of vote go to “far-right” parties ( and growing ) so we’re on trend with the rest of europe.

    Finally I don’t think our political parties are being controlled by the EU in any way described in the article. The current president is the only one I’d accuse of pandering to EU/US interests, for the rest it’s just a marriage of convenience.

    It feels like the author is making loose connections bordering on conspiracy to support his theory that it’s war support that is ruining the european economy ( as opposed to corporate greed ). I do agree with him that there seem be growing dictatorial tendencies in europe lately, and not just in the far-right parties either.