I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Because Ubuntu sucks! 👎 Here’s a list of why:

    • Snaps = 👹

    • Ads in start menu (they did this before Winblows!)

    • Unity is sooo fucking slow and stupid. That dumbass bar of most used apps always present taking up screen space 🙉

    • Canonical doesn’t give a shit what users want🖕

    But the most important part is that I really don’t care. I don’t use your computer. You do. So use whatever the 🔥hell🔥 you want. Use a version of Winblows 🪟 themed to look like Arch 🤭, wallpaper and all👌, then post screenshots on the Internet about your superiority 💪.

    Live how you want! And if someone shames you for it, kick them out of you life 😎

  • That’s basically what the Trump Administration did, tho they were voted out. When Trump was complaining about the Biden economy during that talking point ad disguised as a debate, I kept getting frustrated that Harris didn’t say they were cleaning up his mess…in retrospect, I imagine that she wanted to distinguish herself from Trump’s repeated that wasn’t me that was you strategy.

    • Trump used all the financial emergency tools when the economy was good. He lowered taxes and interest rates. This supercharged the economy, but left us vulnerable to normal market dangers since we had nothing stable and reliable left in the event of an unforeseen contraction. Despite economists objecting and even resigning in protest, he still pushed it through because the general population doesn’t understand how the economy works. All they would see are Trump POTUS = good economy.

    • Obama left us with a pandemic response team to stay ahead of any possible pandemics at the advice of leading scientists. Trump disbanded the entire thing for no objective reason, just power, control, and hate. Then, COVID happened.

    • The COVID pandemic alone saw the worse market sell-off since the Great Depression. We were hitting multiple circuit breakers per week to stop a complete market sell-off. It was so bad, that just owning futures of oil was literally a loss because you had to pay to store it since no one was buying. People went bankrupt from one day to the next for merely owning oil.

    • The money printer go brrrrr meme happened under his admin to prevent the economy from spiraling out of control. GAS GAS GAS!! The underlying joke was that they kept saying that inflation wasn’t going to suffer the largest creation of currency in the country’s history. It was straight lies because how is an immense injection of trillions of dollars with no remarkable increase in production of goods not going to cause inflation? It’s impossible.

    • The low-ass interest rates with a halted economy left very few places to invest money, so that went into the stock market and corporations buying houses. Interest rates were lower than stock market returns, especially since the government showed it would intervene, so wealth was flowing from one to the other creating absolutely no tangible value yet accumulating wealth for the people that could afford it. It was basically a relative wealth robbery of the middle class right out in the open.

    • To solve the inflation crisis, Biden had to jack up interest rates. Now, no one wants to sell their house to get into a new loan with double the interest rate, which is exacerbating the housing shortage. Meanwhile, house insurance is skyrocketing due to climate change and the government hasn’t done ahit about it.

    I don’t think anyone could get away with effectively hurting the economy worse than Trump did. Someone or the general population would’ve intervened.

    These blatant lies are ridiculous. Seriously, from the economy to pointless rally attendance numbers, everything those people say is the opposite of truth. Whatever they blame on someone else is what they did. Whatever they claim they did is what someone else did. It’s like living in a crazy opposite land. Freaking, they stole the playbook right out from George Orwell. ughh!!

    edit: typos and word choices

  • I hate our healthcare system and especially the parasites that run health insurance companies, but they do provide a product.

    1. They pool our money together so that the ones that need healthcare can afford it. Barely anyone can afford out-of-pocket cancer treatment or a stay in the ICU after a serious accident. It could be a serious pain in ass to get insurance to pay sometimes if they even do, but overall, they do pay. If they never paid, we’d have a revolution by now. The last time they started with not paying, people started demanding change, which almost lead to the public option.
    2. They offer a check on healthcare providers that want to over -treat and -prescribe to charge more money, or doctors that go rogue with whacky ideas. Since the general population doesn’t know much about medicine, doctors would be able to prescribe all sorts of illegitimate treatments if we didn’t have a body making sure that their recommendations were legit.

    I agree that they do fucked up things, like withhold on pay outs, deny interventions that may save lives, charge way too much, and lobby to maintain or even improve their wealth and power, but they do still offer a product. I’m someone that is lucky enough to have access to 100% free government healthcare in the US. Even with that, I’m often jealous of people that have private insurance because I find many benefits to their healthcare over mine.

    If we want to improve our healthcare, I think it would be best to acknowledge the reality of the situation rather than exaggerate it.

  • remember saying no has to have consequences!

    • Yep! I’ve put that into practice. Sick of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. I think I used to give it a lot because I thought I needed it a lot due to my autistic traits missing social cues and whatever implications people took from my statements/behaviors. Lately, I’ve recognized that a lot of what I thought were the impact of my aloof behaviors were actually others shaming me. Previously, I would just assume I messed up and would try to learn social rules from it. Now, I’m at the point that if I say something and someone took it wrong, we can address it collaboratively. But if I’m the one that is expected to make changes to accommodate their perception rather than negotiating a happy middle in which we both make changes, then forget it. I’m not going to be the one that is automatically “wrong” whenever there is a disagreement.

    mostly, their words dont fit into their actions.

    • Yes!! I learned the acronym ABB: Always Believe Behavior. If someone says something but behaves differently, the behavior is the truth.

    look out for key phrases - one might be: "So you are saying? " this is usually followed by a thing you did not say at all.

    • I’ve been working on something similar. Basically, I’m tired of people telling me what I mean and more importantly, what my intentions are or why I do things. Thinking back to the people I remember using that phrase often, those people ended up being unbearable to me. Eventually, I would just stay quiet to avoid them taking anything the wrong way, which meant I would stop existing. Sucks I went through all of that, but at least I learned how to use I-statements well!

    another might be: “I am so sorry you feel that way.”

    • And “you’re too sensitive!” lol. I seriously want a shirt on it that says “I’m too sensitive” to wear it like a badge of honor.

    What i do for the “so you are saying” is the following: I bid them politely and soft spoken to repeat the question, as soon as they are past 3 words, I interrupt them really loud and aggressive with: “NO, I DID NOT SAY THAT AT ALL!” then I shut up and stare. I say nothing. the other guy has to say something first. it is a powerstruggle.

    • That doesn’t seem like something that would work well with my style of interaction, but I appreciate the example. I rarely talk through implication unless I’m making a ridiculous joke. Aside from underplaying my feelings and experiences, I think I am very direct. So, if someone is asking me, “So you are saying…?” then there is a major disconnect in communication, or we’re back to that “putting words in my mouth” crap. Either way, if that happens infrequently, then it might be tolerable. If it’s a routine thing, then there’s no need to maintain that relationship.

    combative, social, competetive, diplomacy or bartering. dont make my mistake, each and every situation was always social for me.

    • In the past, I would fawn when I noticed competitiveness hoping that their “win” would cause them to stop it, but I’ve learned that more often than not, they’re never satisfied. The point isn’t to win. It’s to dominate. I’ve done a lot better with combative environments in the past year, so I’m happy with that progress. While I’ve learned to reject combative situations, I have still stayed in for longer than I should have in competitive ones. I’m working on leaving those situations much quicker now though. Lately, I’ve been immersing myself in situations that are collaborative or at the least, understanding. There’s definitely a different feel to it. It’s much nicer and enjoyable. The competitive ones are exhausting.
    • Bonus: Hanging around other neurodivergent people has helped me gain perspective by seeing how people treat them. It’s a lot easier for me to see toxic and manipulative behaviors happen from a 3rd person perspective. Once I see it, then it’s easier to recognize when it’s happening to me in 1st person. Bonus from bonus: helps me have a lot of compassion for myself.

    ok, I am glad you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps. (figure of speech)

    • Thank you, and you too! I appreciate the conversation. I hope you have a nice week also.

  • Hi!

    No matter how much I try, I just can’t make it work with NTs. It’s like we’re 2 different species in the same type of body. At this point, I’m only sticking to chill autistic and ADHD people. I don’t care anymore about making it work with NTs.

    Do you have preferred time zones?

    What’s something you find interesting about clocks that most people don’t seem to know?

    Also, I just realized that battery voltages run in multiples of 1.5v. I wonder why not 1, 2, or 5.