Hi, I’m Cleo! (he/they) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

  • 16 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • I believe that Vortex, the nexus mod manager, has Linux support now that I have heard is fairly straightforward but I haven’t tried it myself.

    I will say though that I recently used Vortex for modding my Fallout 4 playthrough and it was a breeze on windows while using a Nexus mod collection. Takes a lot of the pain out of modding for sure. So if you can get their mod manager running I think it’s worth a try. Could be as simple as downloading Vortex, finding a collection of mods you like, downloading the collection (usually a temporary subscription is nice for this, and then running the game. You could be done like I was in a matter of a couple hours.

  • What the EU actually needs to do is to spearhead and help find everyone a way to actually “own” digital things. I think I’d be fine with not having a disk drive if I could buy my game, not be reliant on servers to download it in the future, trade my games with friends, and choose to sell it when I felt like it.

    We need to find a way to get back (most of) the benefits of physical media without actually having to go back to it.

  • Agreed. Some level of xenophobia is expected though. That’s especially true if you were to think that the other tribes phenotypes are reminiscent of disease or sickness. I’m pretty sure that what you’re pointing out about wars starting with land isn’t so much because humans want to protect their land but because settling in one spot makes one more xenophobic by nature. Your breeding group is now smaller so phenotypes become distinct. Which means that encountering outsiders or wanderers would increase that xenophobic response. Prior to that you’d have a more or less homogenous group within anywhere you could reach which means that xenophobia makes far less sense as you cannot always identify “tribe”.

    To sum up what I’m saying: over time as complexity began, cooperation between phenotypes lessened and competition between distinct phenotypes emerged. This could be what drives a lot of human xenophobic behavior, especially in the modern day. As we developed language this got even worse as xenophobia now includes a language barrier. Meaning that outsiders marked themselves as such even if they held the same phenotypes. This led to a lot of tribalism and history has not evolved from there.

    (Just a layman but I did some reading and thinking)

  • When we talk water consumption in regard to bathroom facilities, you might get into the weeds a little bit. In most modern countries, water from waste facilities is not “wasted” and is instead treated and returned to reservoirs or rivers. Upon being returned, the contaminants are diluted by the natural water source and then are eaten and processed by organisms that will rebalance things. And many areas in the US draw from aquifers that are replenished by adding this water back into the ground which takes years and further filters the water.

    The reason evaporation is a problem is because we don’t have to consider those complicated factors when the water is returned to the air. It is purely wasted in the sense that it will be dispersed in the air and we have no control over where it goes after that. If you have an abundance of water and your aquifer is at equilibrium, no problem. But if you’re in a desert and having to desalinate water from an ocean to fill your water park, that’s a big issue. Basically it’s hard to know exactly how bad this park would be without context of its resource systems.

  • I see AI as being more useful in things like Bethesdas radiant quest system. Theoretically an AI could generate quest and character dialog and react in unique ways to game world events. As far as game elements, machine learning is actually a pretty good way to have dynamic difficulty where the player is pushed as far as they can go and game elements are tweaked accordingly. Or the AI could even design unique quest items and names if trained right.

    Plenty of applications for it but I think we’ll see it overused in some games which will lead to bland or non-cohesive elements that on the surface are fine, but don’t amount to anything unique. Like imagine cyberpunk but written by AI and it’d be mostly generic dialog with few connecting ideas. It’s not impossible for AI to get better at that though and maybe if it were only trained on other game dialog or if it gets approved by a human first, it could be incredible.

  • I wouldn’t say that the water loss is tiny. I’m assuming average temperatures between 90-100° F when operating and low humidity (<30%) and I found a source saying that the city of pheonix estimated that an Olympic swimming pool loses 2500-5000 gallons of water per month. That has mostly to do with surface area but I’m assuming they have at least one of those pools in the park, maybe multiple. Could be up to 15,000 gallons/month just for pools alone.

    Then we talk about the water slides which, if you’ve ever been on a water slide, you know that they waste water. Water leaking from the slides may be gallons an hour and the agitation of the water will speed up evaporation. I’d say each slide loses somewhere around 10-20 gallons an hour as a guess. You multiply that by 15 slides and you’re getting 150 gallons per hour, 12,000 gallons a day.

    So not to put it lightly but this one park could be losing over a million gallons of water a year. Easily. And in a desert that’s nothing to scoff at.

    I did all my math before researching but I found an article from the guardian that uses very similar numbers. Mine are higher but this park is also bigger.

  • Yeah this is what I mean. I don’t get why people who don’t like their content bother hating them. You don’t like that they mostly exist for entertainment, cool, why bother caring? If you want deep tech dives or something else, there’s plenty of content out there. You’re upset they aren’t more knowledgeable as if everyone making tech content needs to know everything.

    And yeah I did feel like they messed up with the Billet incident and it was one of the more important things they needed to address properly. They made a mistake and I do think that Linus handled it poorly to say the least. They deserved that part of the scandal. All I’ll say is I’m willing to wait and see if they improve or if they make similar mistakes. If that’s a big deal to you, I get that, but that’s not where a majority of the hate is coming from either. It’s coming from what I said before about tech people wanting different content

  • You’re not in the minority, I just think they should’ve committed to the bit more? The blending of styles is the weird part. Minecraft is already low fidelity and increasing the detail has always worked in the past for these movies. It’s part of why wreck it Ralph, the Mario movie, and even the emoji movie all did pretty well.

    I actually enjoyed seeing stuff like the piglins and nether all dressed up and fancy. I just think the people are presented as if the movie contains no animation and it doesn’t work. If they want to make it work, do the Sonic thing and blend the worlds by putting animated spaces in the real world.

  • Your commitment to analyzing all of this through a small hole of ideas that are relevant to you is preventing what you’re saying from making complete sense. You’re omitting things and skewing the perspective with a lens.

    This is because you’re both correct to some degree. Yes there is a large tribe who is using identity politics to gain support. However that support is less than equal to the other camp who uses scapegoating of said identities when you compare support on said social issues.

    For all of time this has worked in politics and as always it is, as you point out basically, used to obscure the actual dealings.

    Here’s where you’re completely off the rails. The DNC are masters at very little and especially are not masters at mass media marketing. Their slogans fail, their advertisements are bad, and they have failed to instill ideas that counter those of the right. The line about “conservatives are good for economy” still exists and they have no counter. The DNC are incredibly weak compared to the RNC.

    Make no mistake, the DNC is scraping by because they do not represent exactly what the elite class believe as much as the republicans do. The media has mostly turned on them and criticizes their candidates about 10x more. Most of the media, owned by the elite class, does not belong to the DNC. Every major news network, including CNN now, goes against them and works counter to them.

    And when we talk about why lgbt issues are present now, it has little to do with the tribalism you’re referencing. Little to do with identity politics. What’s even more rough to hear is that lgbt politics don’t matter to most voters. They matter to an LGBT crowd. Which is far smaller than the fundamentalists that the anti-lgbt are attracting. The DNC are not pro-LGBT in the way that we think of. They are pro-LGBT in the opposite way. The way where the other party has forced them to be.

  • Exactly. I remember this really being an issue with Far Cry 4. The villain there had me on the edge of my seat since the intro and I still think FC4 was one of the best far cry games to exist. The setting was amazing, mechanics worked really well, and the vehicles rocked.

    The thing it flopped on completely was interactions with the main bad guy and any semblance of story development. It wasn’t nonexistent, but the main villain is criminally underused in that game and is on screen for maybe 15-20 minutes total.

    But now we have the issue of far cry doing the Ubisoft signature multi-zone storytelling thing where the story is not linear and it’s completely wrecked by that. This game has the same exact issue that’s been here since FC5 and I hate it. I’d rather they keep the lookout points around and have a worse world and a better story with actual progression and characters. It’s like they’re determined to make games at a 6 or 7 out of 10 level.

  • I think at the time I was particularly focused on proteins and cholesterol for dieting reasons so I was less concerned with micronutrient content. That being said, the lack of differences between those things in eggs led me to dig a little deeper.

    Specifically I wanted to know about eggs eaten in Japan since they take eggs pretty seriously over there and I had watched a mini documentary on it. And if I recall right, what I found was that yes there may be some minor differences in vitamin content or flavor, but they are just minor differences. I guess what surprised me was that I did expect large changes in the health of a caged egg and a carefully managed Japanese egg, but that didn’t turn up in my research. I’m not an expert though, but am scientifically literate.

    So to bring it full circle, I know a dietician and I consulted them about it and they did confirm that yes, vitamin content may change though he said the levels of those vitamins and difference between the eggs would be a wash. He said there isn’t any nutritional reason that he knows of to recommend one egg over another.

    This is backed up by what the conclusion I came to.The thing I feel most certain about is: In the grocery store, all eggs are the same. And that’s largely true. Now the difference between grocery store and local farm directly is more substantial, but only in cases with high quality food.

    I do want to say I’m obviously not an expert, my dietician friend does not specialize in this so that’s the disclaimer, and both he and myself don’t have time to dive deep and if someone wants to present counter research on this, we’d love to be wrong about it.

  • I don’t understand the point of your comment because I’m not making a claim about animal husbandry necessarily. I think there are plenty of reasons why someone would want non-factory farmed eggs. All I was highlighting was that the difference in actual nutrition is fairly minimal in the studies I looked at and that was surprising to me. Like for how much people talk up farm raised eggs and how different the taste is and everything, I’ve always assumed that raising your own chickens results in drastically different nutritional qualities and I couldn’t find anything backing that up.