This must have been a backt to the future reference, right?
This must have been a backt to the future reference, right?
I’m pretty much out of the loop on all the new treks. What does SNW stand for?
Huh, somehow misread that as “take all lanes away”
I understand the sentiment, but that could cause more issues than it solves. Cars then would be forced to compete for space with bicycle again,only this time on all bicycle roads. Or houses could not have car access at all, if you’d narrow the streets.
It’s different and I was confused at first, too. But I think it’s a great fit.
Please hear me out xD Enterprise is all about the beginning of human space travel. Most of the time the crew is totally winging it. No prime directive, no protocols and far inferior tech compared to other species. Yet they are struggeling in this vast new space to find their place in this interstellar community. They are effectively space cowboys. So I find a Country theme quite fitting, to communicate that.
There’s a scene in TNG in which Troi and Data(?) play chess. To this day I resent the writers for having Troi win, because she could check mate Data in three turns, besides her king being threatened by one of Data’s figures right now.
Sorry, it’s unrelated, but I had to put this out there
I had to jump back and rewatch a s7 episode, becuase there were two-piece uniforms this late in the show. And I didn’t realise that the (leading) women are still weraing one-piece. They really did them dirty, whilst Picard is reliving his rebel phase with that shirt & bomberjacket combo.
I really really love the Enterprise costumes. They communicate the early stage of human space travel so well, by being so close to NASA’s gear. In comparison to the 80ies/90ies Series they also look so down to earth and vintage.
+1 I wanna see that
What the hell is going on in the bottom left picture??? I have been succesfully baited. I need to know
I agree with your point that digital media influences and transformed the way we interact whith each others, and I believe there are studies indicating that young people feel more isolated, which could be a causality of rising smartphone usage.
And I agree, that this needs to be addressed, especially in the face of addiction. The way the french policy handles this though is to create an insentive for people to stay inside, because there they can still use their devices without being questioned or judged, further singleing those out, who already struggle in public using their phone as a lifeline.
The questions that need to be asked here is why people are so eager to use digital devices? Because they are developed in a way to make the user addicted.
First off, the way this is discribed is an intrusion on a way of life/ peoples behaviour, and I personally feel it crosses a line.
banning adults and children from scrolling on their devices while walking down the street, while sitting with others on a park bench, while in shops, cafes or eating in restaurants and while parents wait for their children in front of the school gates. Those who might check their phone’s map when lost are instead being encouraged to ask for directions.
What should drive a discussion about digital media are the following questions:
The policy doesn’t address any of these. Worst case scenario it communitcates to addicted people that their behaviour is unacceptable, creating an unneccessary additional burden.
What was he doing on Archer’s Enterprise again?
I quit drinking alcohol as well and looking back on parties and major celebrations I started asking myself if some of the guests were unable to control their alcohol consuption/ were addicted. A few candidates come to mind.
So wouldn’t it be sensible to rule out alcohol at all* to protect those who can’t protect themselves, without confronting them with the very uncomfortable and intimate questions?
*not legally, but I wouldn’t want it on my parties
What does 4x Elements mean? Never heard the term before xD
Not sure if this even a beloved game, but Assassins Creed Unity. The setting has so much potential but the story feels so slow and I find it boring, the controls took some frustrating time to get used to and Paris is just not a very visually compelling place to be at. I used to love AC2 but Unity… idk
Funny, I was told to stay the fuck away from Witcher 2, but played Witcher 1. xD Witcher 1 has some odd controls (from a modern perspective) but an engaging story which actually forced me to stop playing on my first playthrough because I just couldn’t make the choice between pest and cholera. Of course I eventually dipped my toes in Witcher 2, but the 3rd one has spoiled me so damn hard with its fancy graphics, controller support and familiar controls, that it just didn’t click.
Jeremy who?
(This is both a joke and a genuine question)