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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEarbuds
    8 days ago

    Correct. That’s why I will NEVER buy brand new wireless earbuds from Apple, Samsung, or any other phone manufacturer. Oh, you took the aux port out of your phones? Go fuck yourself. I will not financially reward you for limiting my freedoms.

    Currently I use Jabra Active 8s. The Jabra Active 10s are supposed to be so much better, but for the price, the 8s are just pretty good.

  • I’m going to keep an open mind, but I haven’t seen much positive about Sony & Motorola smartphones. Haven’t even looked at them for probably 10 years.

    A big thing that kept me away from them, aside from their reputation for lackluster/poor performance, was the lack of root/ROMs.

    But I’ve gotten older. Specific root benefits have become much fewer, punishments for rooting are more common, well maintained custom ROMs just aren’t a thing (and for what phone?). So all of the rules have changed on me…and maybe it’s time to take another look at Sony, Motorola. 🙂 Do you have any specific recommendations?

    I want USB-C, I mean they all should be. I want microSD expandable storage. I’d sure like an aux port but I can go without.

  • I mean technically smartphones. I have watched the smartphone world start, and BLOSSOM, and now we’re certainly seeing some enshittification here & there but I have started to fully embrace the budget Samsung phones. Knowing that except for the insulting, glaringly bad exception that is battery life, it is better than the SGS3 of old I had in almost every other way.

    I really appreciate LED lights. They used to be so expensive, and yet so basic!! $10/bulb, back when the USD was worth even half a damn, and quality? Ehhh you buy what we have, go fuck yourself. Now… I can buy a pack of quality LED bulbs where I can shift the tone/shade on each one via toggle switch, an 18-pk is $37? A little over $2/bulb?? 😌 Very, very cool

    I just picked up TWO solar panel, rechargeable, D-Cell battery Duracell LED lanterns for $16 each (Costco). USB-C cable included. They can also be use to charge small electronics. Pretty nifty, and for not much money at all! You couldn’t get that 10 years ago.

    Security cams & recordings, obviously there’s also a massive uptick in abuse/deception/people being shitheads. Comes with the territory. But take the shitty people out of the equation & objectively speaking, picture/video/audio quality is soooooooo much better. And digital storage has never been cheaper! So many good options! I saw a $30 security camera you can stick on your WiFi smart garage door opener. Again, looks pretty slick & it costs just a little more than eating out at a nice restaurant. Crazy.

    CNC milling & creating art, structures, whatever with lasers & machines is fucking amazing & getting better, more advanced with each passing day. We can mill pieces to screw or friction fit…precisely…together. It’s so simple but I’m telling you guys, this is going to lead to a lot of really cool stuff! And some scary stuff. But again, comes with the territory.

  • Of course the complaints sound legitimate. And idk I am inclined to side with them, if they’re honest & the complaints are based on fact.

    With their commercial launch fast approaching, the parties also expressed an expectation that competitors would continue to make misleading claims and draconian demands to further delay Commission action and limit service to American consumers. Indeed, each time that SpaceX has demonstrated that it would not cause harmful interference to other operators—often based on those parties’ own claimed assumptions—those competitors have moved the goalposts or have claimed their analysis should not have been trusted in the first place. These operators’ shapeshifting arguments and demands should be seen for what they are: last-minute attempts to block a more advanced supplemental coverage partnership and siphon sensitive information to aid their own competing efforts. The Commission must not allow competitive gamesmanship to stand in the way of lifesaving service for American consumers.

    I have seen a lot of this in my life, too. AT&T is a shitty company. Verizon is very good generally speaking, but overpriced. Some of you might not be old enough to remember, but SMS texting started out being sent over a never used emergency reserve 5% partition of cell towers. They were charging us all $10+/mo for something that cost them virtually nothing. All that to say, I don’t fucking trust AT&T, Verizon, or TMobile. ¯\(°_o)/¯ Do you??? Any of them will do anything to make a buck, and as SpaceX says, any one of them will say anything to sandbag their competition (while trying to copy ideas & build their own version). These cell phone companies are the worst of all; they’ve been allowed to lie, cheat, and steal for decades. Their claims don’t have to be true, they just have to “sound legitimate”.

    I’m thinking…this is all about a signal. A signal that can be turned on & off, a signal that doesn’t physically harm any equipment but might hamper their ability to send & receive their own signal. Both sides are making radically different claims, maybe there’s a little truth to both, but one has to be significantly closer to right than the other.

    In theory, blind tests could be performed without informing AT&T/Verizon. Or hell even the FCC, but it is unwise to piss off the US Gov’t Alphabet Gang. If there is this terrible interference, alright. We should be able to notice that, and quickly. Shut it down, turn the signals off. If it’s done and SpaceX, TMobile are correct & there is no discernible interference, this is where things could get really delicious. You just let it go for 6 months or a year. 🙂 Then you announce a testing date, they kick & scream per usual, it goes through… and then if they start saying “oH My GOd, ouR NetWErkz R goING CRazY becAUSe of this signal, that started on this date.” Yeah, and everything was fine before? 🤔 Oh man, we were great & everything was great, no problems before this date. Well guess what, you dumb bitch??? We’ve been using this signal for 6+ months before the test date. That means you’re lying.

    Anyway. I know it’ll probably never happen, even if it should. I’ve watched these people lie to us, spend money & effort tearing down their competition or fighting common fucking sense. Like Apple refusing to switch iPhones to USB-C, when they themselves were using USB-C on their Macbooks & iPads for years at that point. I don’t think it is an exaggeration when I say these people are hampering progress, innovation, and getting in the way of us enjoying a better world. They hamstring mankind, they hold back the greatness & potential of society. It’s high time we identify, label these people as such & treat them accordingly.

    Turn the damn satellite signals on. Do some testing. See. What. Happens.

  • The guy only asked for $50K after they killed his wife. They’re trying all this batshit crazy nonsense to get out of paying $50,000.

    That is a painfully low amount for killing someone, even to a layman. I could pay that if I had to, just not all at once.

    To aggressively put it into perspective compared to Disney’s other costs of doing business, Disney is estimated to spend on average $95K per day on fireworks. Totaling $35M per year, up in smoke. Couldn’t be bothered to shell out $50K for killing somebody, though. ¯\(°_o)/¯ Their morals, priorities seem to be a little off.

  • Part of the problem is the Pixel phone, I mean that’s been a problem ever since it came out. Sometimes it’s alright but there’s a lot of people that have bought a Pixel & regretted it. My brother in law being one of many. I can say with relative confidence, Google Pixel phones have had so many problems & lack of support, I’m sure everybody reading this knows somebody with Google Pixel buyer’s remorse. Or maybe they are that person.

    This is a well-earned reputation. So yeah I can believe people aren’t jumping at the P9.

    The AI part is just another reason to not buy a Google Pixel phone.

  • To echo, it’s not really better, just different & smaller. Just slightly less toxic. It’s not owned by Spez, the greedy little pigboy. 3rd party apps aren’t killed for no good reason over here.

    Moving to a substantially smaller community of people does have its drawbacks; there is brain drain & stagnation in small hobby communities. Be it roasting coffee, brewing beer, or weed…not nearly as many brains, let alone good brains, and less content generation. There’s less knowledge, making it objectively less useful.

    I use Sync for Lemmy & idk I find it hard to navigate to, find new communities. Half of the time I stumble upon one by sheer accident.

    But the memes can be really good, it’s still a news/info source, and for me being a conservative it gives me some insight into how “the other side” thinks, possibly even why.

  • I read the room, I know how it is trying to be used, and it only reinforces the fact that most people kinda suck. I refuse to respect it.

    I want campaigns based on policy, facts, and results. Not name calling & “feelings”.

    This is basically Democrat strategy; it requires no might or skill of any kind: a retarded kid throws a bucket of pig’s blood onto a brilliant white shag carpet, points & screams about how dirty it is, and the Republicans scramble to clean up the mess. Wasting time, money, and effort on a mess that will never truly be clean again. Kind of like writing out a logical argument on this rabidly liberal platform, to have it downvoted & sometimes deleted. One side takes 5 seconds, ruins everything, very “effective”. The other takes hours. Effectiveness…hit & miss. On its face, there is no way to win against the one throwing pig’s blood on the white shag carpet.

    But now the Democrats face Trump. Trump, at his best, doesn’t really care if he’s dirty or not. So that particular Democrat strategy is rendered ineffective. Lately he’s wasted time addressing allegations, AKA, “cleaning up the mess”. I want to see more debates on specific policies.

    Ultimately, we’ll see which side wins come November. Or perhaps there will be another assassination attempt. ¯\(°_o)/¯ It’s hard to say. I am inclined to think they’re going to kill him. I’ve said that for probably the past year.