• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s hopeless isn’t it? We complain about destroying the planet and being a horrible species, but both you and I are part of the problem.

    Indulgence is selfish and being selfish is the reason humans have gotten to this point. But everyone’s going to be selfish, so why shouldn’t I be? There’s no hope of the world recovering. Might as well have a metaphorical doomsday party.

    I hope I can have a peaceful death. One without horrible pain and fear leading up to it. Killing myself seems like the best way for that. Instead of dying slowly from disease, I can shoot myself and be gone before the pain starts. But again, the fear of death is so horrible… No matter how much I think about the fact that it’s just nothingness, it’s still terrifying. Before I was born I experienced nothingness, and it was fine. Returning to nothingness would be fine. But I’m so scared despite that

    Sorry that you’ve been through so much

  • I’m starting out as an intern and don’t really know what my boundaries should be. I’m trying to do a lot of stuff so that I seem valuable, and the company will hire me. But I can’t keep up with other things in my life. I know that they’ll probably expect me to keep up the pace once I’m hired full time, but I won’t be able to long-term.

    Slacking off now or setting reasonable expectations would mean I’m less likely to be hired I think.

    But then again, my boss is a really nice and understanding guy. He hasn’t pushed me to work so hard - I did that myself to increase the chances I’ve been hired. Just not really sure what to do.

  • I was taught never to get anything like this installed in me since it’s almost definitely the mark of the beast. Eventually no one will be allowed to buy anything unless they have these high tech devices in their hands

    “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” - Revelation 13:16-17

    I’m not a Christian anymore, so I don’t believe this. Looking back, I actually think I find it a bit silly. But that’s what that other guy means

  • I saw a photo of a chemical burn victim on r/eyeblech. The story goes that this guy cheated on his wife, and his wife found out. So she poured acid on his crotch. The acid had burned his scrotum away, but the balls themselves were still relatively intact. Each was just hanging from it’s respective tendril and resting against the burns on his legs.

    That was the worst I’ve seen on a gore level. But I’ve seen some things that are worse on an emotional level.

    Back when I was badly suicidal few years back, I went looking for suicide videos to get a more grounded understanding of what it’s like. I found a site with a lot of them. Won’t be giving out the name, cause you shouldn’t look for shit like this.

    I remember seeing one of an Indian guy jumping from a high roof. He didn’t really move much in midair, he looked stiff and only squirmed a bit. When he landed it was just a relatively quiet thud and a crunch. He bounced once off the dirt. That one stuck with me the most.

    Another that really got me was of an Asian who’d jumped onto train tracks. The train had cut his legs off, but he was still alive. In too much shock to do anything but lie there and look around at the people around him.

    Then there’s the guy who got his head chopped off with a machete.

    Remnants of a suicide bomber splattered across a street.

    Then those videos on YouTube, mostly just audio. The brick and windshield. The girl calling the police because her brother shot himself. The audio ones comfort me in a way, but at first they really unsettled me.

    Come to think of it, I’ve seen far to many of these… I definitely saw them at way too young an age