Can you recommend any cameras? I have one pointed at the parking lot but I literally need to manually go through the footage for an hour every single fucking day, cause it’s too far and it doesn’t accurately detect the motion.
As for the car, idk how that would work I guess I would need to leave a phone with a data plan inside it? And connect it to the camera in the car? Idk
Stop playing asshole games Wat did I do tho
Maybe in america something could be done but I live in a literal shithole where the police literally won’t do jack shit and seems like all of the lawyers don’t even know any basic laws
Idk why my phone doesn’t pick up the stuff well… they can just use plausible deniability for everything, it’s extremely hard to prove anything malicious is occuring.
It’s not their fault their children cry. It’s not their fault the door slammed, it was an accident. They’re allowed using the parking lot, it’s a shared space. Etc.