Butts. Doctor Butts, A.S.S.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • I named all of the worms on my team Shake and Bake, Bake and Shake, etc.

    At one point in time, I downloaded a ton of Austin Powers sound bites and used them for all the voice lines

    Me and my friend had a handshake agreement to only use the grappling hook once instead of zipping around the entire map with it since we were both too good with it. Actually I am amazed that our friendship survived this game given we were both way too intense

    I wish the Holy Hand Grenade would show up in more video games, regardless of whether or not it would even make sense for it to be there

  • I don’t know if i’ll get the chance to talk about Bruce Coville again anytime soon, but I wanna share that he had one of the most evil ideas for the end of the world in another series.

    I forget the series title but the MC was named Rodney, the antagonist was an evil psychopath kid named Billy, and Billy wanted to end the world by somehow trapping it in the orbit of a black hole, so that as the Earth traveled closer and closer to the middle, that time would eventually freeze in place for everyone forever. For some reason it has always stuck with me as a gold standard for “crazy supervillain ideas for ending the world/humanity” and it’s something I compare all fictional villains’ evil plans against. Lol.

    Edit: Aliens Ate My Homework