It would be hilarious if someone talked him into it
I’m holding him for ransom. I demand Trump step down as president
Yes. Any movie or series with a minority member as the protagonist is attacked for being “woke” even if their minority status isn’t a plot point. There is no winning, if their minority status is the focus of the movie, people complain that there isn’t anything else to the character, if their minority status isn’t the focus, people ask why they have to be a minority if it adds nothing to the story.
People complain about remakes changing a character’s race and say they should make new and original characters for that race, but when they are featured in new and original stories, people still complain.
The series in question is Pixar’s Win Or Lose
Eternals should have been an 8-10 episode series which each episode focusing on one or two characters
He’ll blame the blue states
65, a movie where humanoid aliens crash land on earth in the time of the dinosaurs and get out right before the asteroid hits. It’s a generic survival/monster movie where dinosaurs are just obstacles in the way of the heroes escaping the planet. The movie should have shown the beautiful parts of the Dinosaur world and we should have been sad when they’re wiped out at the end.
We should be beating up teslas for charity
I’ve found that sometimes people take a question as a complaint. I don’t understand why either
No. Try a declaration
Morally, I’d consider it attempted murder but legally, I’d find the idea of someone being prosecuted for it rather silly
I also saw her more recently in Black Mirror. To be fair, I’m really bad with faces and different hair probably threw me
I used to watch Hannah Montana every Saturday. Miley Cyrus now looks unrecognizable to me
Not enough cause I’m nowhere near the top
But they’d also make what the empire did illegal. The emperor attempted to murder Luke
It doesn’t double your dating pool, I’m sick of people saying that. It only slightly increases your dating pool from that of a straight person. You can only have CONSENSUAL relationships with straight people of the opposite sex and gay people of the same sex. Unless there are roughly the same amount of gay people as straight people, bisexual people don’t have DOUBLE the potential dating partners