My work keeps putting on social events that involve a boat. Boat to this island or that island or just sail around on a boat for the afternoon. Everyone else seems to think it’s fun, but I really would rather not be stranded for hours of forced bonding with my coworkers because we have to wait for the damn boat to take us back.
I once watched a movie called Wild Thyme Mountain starring Emily Blunt and Jamie Dornan. The movie is set in rural Ireland and is about the two of them being perfect for each other and Emily Blunt’s character being desperately in love with Jamie Dornan’s character, but Jamie is rather…peculiar and not particularly interested in her or in women (or men). That’s basically 95% of the movie. In the last 5% of the movie, Jamie admits that he is indeed in love with Emily but feels he can’t be with her because he believes >!he is actually a bee.!<
No, I did not mistype that. The man literally believes that >!he is a honeybee. Turns out, Emily doesn’t give a fuck about that, and they end up happily ever after.!<
Why this movie exists, I truly can’t even begin to say. But I watched it ironically at the behest of a friend who needed someone else to experience this absolute travesty of a movie to share in the sheer what-the-fuckery of it. I can’t even imagine how gobsmacked I would have been had I watched it not knowing it would be batshit crazy.