Oh and I’d never hit my wife you racist piece of shit.
How many camels did you pay her father for her hand in marriage? Did you throw in a good herd of goats too? 😂
Oh and I’d never hit my wife you racist piece of shit.
How many camels did you pay her father for her hand in marriage? Did you throw in a good herd of goats too? 😂
Every arab is a terrorist wife beater for you?
You sound angry. Better go get your aggression out by beating one of your wives, since you don’t see them as human.
your country marries girl at 14 you whorediot
Actually I agree with you there, people who marry children are trash.
By the way, your “prophet” literally married and r-ped a nine year old girl.
LMAO look at all them tears. Five posts full of you crying.
Keep 'em flowing like a river, princess! 😂
Oh, my mistake for not respecting your preferred pronouns. Ahem:
“Was she a terrorist? If so, zero sympathy.”
There, I fixed it. Feel better now? 😂
I do support terrorism.
In that case, can I interest you in a brand new pager? 😂
For exemple, 9/11 was great … I wish i had been there
I wish you were there too! On one of the top floors of the WTC when it went down, that is.
See! Turns out, we actually agree on some things! 😂
Also funny how your racist idiots seems to care a lot about women when it comes to shitting on arabs.
Quick reminder that your “prophet” literally married and r-ped a nine year old girl.
Your americans scumbags sent the bombs that killed my friend in lebannon.
Was he a scumbag terrorist? If so, zero sympathy.
The fact your retarded country’s “other side” is even worst doesn’t absolve you from the guilt of having voted for a genocider.
You are literally too stupid to know what genocide is… But Trump’s going to let Netanyahu off the leash and you will see what actual genocide looks like soon enough.
Look. I am a regular person, with a heart, flesh and blood.
Gee, that’s funny because you talk like a terrorist-supporting piece of trash.
I hate you and I wish I could repeatedly punch you in the face until your face is powdered.
LMAO you literally support terrorists who blow up schools for the “crime” of educating little girls, so I’m not surprised you go straight to violence to solve your problems.
Is that what you call your wife right before you beat her? We all know how men in areas like Lebanon treat women after all, and you’ve already told me how much you love assaulting people… 🤔
I really hope we hang your leaders and apply a massive denazification campain.
LMAO talk like that just makes you sound like terrorist supporting trash.
I hope that when Trump turns Gaza in to a gigantic hotel/casino/resort, you get the chance to visit some day.
With Trump in office, politicians on the left have much better things to do right now than worry about if I own a gun or not.
This is not the time where the left gets to lecture to me about how I’m an awful person if I happen to own a gun. Rather, this is the time the left needs to be doing some self-reflection, looking inward, and asking themselves why so many people won’t vote for them - And lecturing people about how they’re awful people for things like owning a gun is part of that problem.
I agree with all of these except one part: No gun control until you straighten out America’s cops first, progressives.
Right now, if someone breaks in to my house and I call the police, at best the police will arrive an hour or two later, fill out some paperwork, and then say there’s nothing they can do before leaving. At worst the police will shoot me dead and sprinkle some crack on my body, and make jokes about shooting me with their cop buddies after their shift.
These are both completely unacceptable options. America needs “cop control” before gun control. Fix the cop problem first, then we can talk about the gun problem.
Well it doesn’t matter now, because Trump won and those Palestinians are all as good as dead because from the MAGA point of view they’re squatting on prime real estate that can be used for the Trump Casino/Resort Gaza.
Absolutely clueless take seeing as how the other party is literally filled with fascists who are shipping American citizens to El Salvadorian gulags for disagreeing with the government.
You know who else pulled crap like that? Stalin, that’s who. GTFO of here with that clueless take, because these definitely aren’t normal times.
the dems ARE killing people.
Oh pumpkin, you are so hilariously clueless. 😂 The Democrats aren’t even in power, and even if they were they wouldn’t have the spine to kill anyone.
Then again, I’m sure you also think Hillary Clinton is running a sex trafficking ring from a pizza shop basement and Bill Gates wants to 5G microchip everyone with vaccines, huh? 🤣
Look. I will vote Democrat against MAGA every single time, but “Vote for us because at least we aren’t killing people” isn’t the flex you think it is. That’s like someone bragging about never having been to prison and expecting others to be impressed by it.
Sorry, but “vote for us because at least we aren’t the other guys” has been the fallback message of Democrats for decades and that isn’t going to cut it any more. Right now there’s a real chance for the Democratic Party to change in to something better than it was, and I sincerely hope Democrats seize that opportunity instead of just expecting everyone to vote for them just because they happen to not be as awful as Republicans are.
Agreed. I understand that Democrats aren’t comic-book-supervillain level evil like the Republicans currently are - Which is the only reason I voted Democrat the last three elections - but that doesn’t mean Democrats are any good either.
One way I like to sum it up: Republicans seem to want the future from Cyberpunk 2077, and Democrats seem to want the future from Demolition Man. Yes, the future from Cyberpunk 2077 is more dystopian than the future from Demolition Man, but that doesn’t mean the future from Demolition Man is a great future to live in either.
Sorry but “Vote for us because at least we aren’t completely evil” isn’t a very inspiring message. Yes, I will still vote Democrat against MAGA every time, but for fuck sake, Democrats. “Do better”.
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And you’d happily blow up 23 residential buildings in Israel just to kill a Jewish person.
Here’s a little tip, princess: You Palestidiots and the Israelis have been killing each other for thousands of years, long before America ever existed, and you will continue doing so long after America is gone.
Want someone to blame for those thousands of years of war between your two peoples? Look in the mirror, sweetheart.