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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • You were speaking about someone else’s real death, actually, and saying “better off dead than a slave.” It comes across callous.

    If everyone lived by your recommendation, all employees would kill themselves because their lives aren’t worth living as a slave. Do you really think all employees qualia is so worthless that it’s better they kill themselves? They should be further abused by slavery by being denied what joy they can squeeze from it? Don’t you think this just helps the people who want to harm us and genocide us?

    Don’t you find a joy in spitefully opposing capitalists and slavers? Every time you enjoy life without paying a penny for it, you thwart capitalism. Every time you enjoy life outside of capitalist bullshit, you break the trance and lies it’s trying to market to us.

    Autonomy and power work like roots in a rock. Let the little tiny parts work through and the bigger ones will come too to break it apart. Seize the little powers you can and then work on bigger ones. Use your rights.

  • Well, a lot. Stupid question. Both are slavery, yes, but chattel slavery in the US south was a special type and it really hurts modern slavery causes to equate them. Please stop doing this if you actually care about stopping modern slavery.

    First off - when the prisoners have children, the prison doesn’t own that child. The child has an opportunity to stay with family. That’s markedly different. It’s not like generations of prisoners have been born in a prison, lived there their whole lives, and died on that same prison - that happened on plantations. It’s not like a prison can take your baby and bait alligators with it. They can’t force your child to help them bathe. They can’t rape your 15 year old sister, Sally Hemmings, and force her to act as Thomas Jefferson’s sex slave for decades.

    Prisoners are allowed to read and write and practice their own religions. Prisoners are allowed to learn math.

    There are laws meant to protect prisoners from brutality. At the time of antebellum slavery, while it was generally illegal to kill a slave needlessly, it was not illegal to beat or punish them and if they happened to die, that was not usually considered part of that law. LaLaurie in Louisiana is an example of someone who violated that law - it had to be particularly obscene and cruel (note that she was charged previously for cruelty to slaves, probably would have been charged for this, but fled mob justice).

    Yes, I agree with you that it’s slavery and personally there’s a lot more slavery than that here (children are parents’ property). I agree that chattep slavery gave birth to this prison system slavery too. I don’t think it’s helpful to compare it to that specific type of slavery as if it’s the exact same.

  • Wells Fargo having such bad management and bad work morale/conditions (a criticism towards them that’s been happening for years) that they don’t notice a literal dead body for days is what you’re excusing. It’s not just any company it happened at, it happened at WellsFargo. That’s the point. Or did you forget about their scandal forcing employees to meet quotas for special accounts resulting in employees signing people up who never asked for it? They have a history of bad management and bad employee treatment.

    Yes, companies should be structured in a way that involves managers managing. A manager’s job is literally to monitor performance. This is the negligent part of WellsFargo since there is obviously someone in charge of her, probably multiple entities if we include HR and security. Her manager probably even saw the time clock anomaly and edited it without checking on her desk. Then she no call no shows Monday and Tuesday and there’s no one checking her desk then. They checked due to smell. That’s shitty management, somewhere.

    Community in this country has been eroded horribly. Even in the workplace it’s discouraged at an authentic level because we might unionize. Don’t you find this concerning as an element of a bigger picture? Remember when companies prized their employees so much they gave them pensions and watches?

    Last, news articles like this about companies are meant to move money around primarily. Articles about companies that are publicly traded get picked up by traders and trading bots. So a lot of people may want to pull their money out hearing this newest scandal after everything else, creating volatility in their stock which allows for better money making via options trading.