• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This shit angers me to no end. Where I live, they built this wonderful highway around the greater metro area. Said it’d be a toll road for 25 years until paid off. We’re on year 29 now, because they needed to “update” it.

    Then, you find out the tolls are managed by a for-profit company in Saudi Arabia…? The express lanes, that cause more traffic and wrecks than a simple exspansion of lanes, is ran buy a for-profit company, in a foreign country. It makes no sense, unless you’re a fan of unregulated capitalism, I guess.

  • IMHO, it doesn’t matter how the show does the lore. Just finished the 7th episode, and I love how they’re tieing it all together. Sure it doesn’t work chronologically, but it’s pretty damn good how they’ve done it.

    As someone who waited outside an Electronics Boutique, at a mall, at 5am to get a copy of “Fallout: A Post Apocalyptic Role-Playing Game”, I’m enjoying it. Every Fallout game since that day in 1997, I’ve loved. Although 76 was a little wonky…

    I have ~1400 hours in New Vegas, and ~1300 in FO4. Who knows how many hours in the others, as I didn’t use Steam until 12 years ago…

  • Mid 80’s, Boulder, Colorado. I was 10 Years Old. My Dad worked Graveyard shifts at Coors. He rode a Bicycle to work and back everyday. During his commute, he’d ride right by the Crossroads Mall. One morning, he came accross a ton of electronics and electronic components out in front of the mall, that were there as a result of the Radio Shack burning down the night before. Several employess were sifting through the remains, seeing what was salvageble. Anyways, my Dad was able to nab a Tandy 1000 RGB for $20 (~$500 New), with minor smoke damage. It came with all the bells and whistles. An actual Audio Cassette Recorder for data storage, Joy Stick, and several carted games. The only game I really remember was “Dungeon Explorer”. But I did get a few books from the library and learned how to write Basic.