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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • So genocide is okay in your eyes as long as a fraction of the people you bomb are terrorists? How would you feel if your loved ones died and you lost your entire neighborhood because someone living a few blocks away was a terrorist? You have no food, no water, and no home because a small percentage of the people in your neighborhood performed an action that you had no part of.

    Is it worth the current death toll? Eight thousand dead in Palestine, 24 straight days of bombing, 29 journalists killed, and 3500 dead children is okay in your book because of some terrorists? That’s not including the 21,000 people that were injured. 183,000 residential units, 221 education facilities, 24 ambulances, and 38 places of worship damaged or completely gone. 34% of hospitals on the Gaza Strip aren’t functioning. Six thousand bombs in six days. That’s the number dropped on Afghanistan in one year, and Afghanistan is 1800x bigger.

    I understand that they are hiding behind civilians, but there is a middleground between letting Hamas run wild and threatening to turn Palestine into a deserted island.

  • That’s a little disingenuous. It’s a call for the destruction of Hamas through the means of repeatedly bombing a small, impoverished nation with no regard for who or what is destroyed.

    Israel is using airstrikes on hospitals, mosques, and schools. Fetterman is supporting the country that is responsible for 5,000 civilian deaths, tens of thousands of people injured, and 600,000 displaced people. That doesn’t sound like genocide to you? We should support bombing a country to rubble because of some terrorists that they created through their cruelty? They ration their food, their water, deny them access to shipments, deny aid, andn break agreements. Of course they created extremists.

    When you support Israel’s wanton destruction of an entire nation, you are supporting genocide.

  • Yeah, alcohol killed my dad and plagued my grandparents their whole lives. I drink a few times a year at most, and when I do, I buy in small amounts. Plus I can quit weed cold turkey any time I want. I take a 1-2 day sabbatical from cannabis at least once every 2 weeks. No hangovers, no liver damage, no crippling addiction, and way cheaper as long as you don’t smoke all day, every day. Most of the time I use edibles, so no damage to the lungs either.

  • Somebody needs to teach kids about actual drug safety. Abstinence from drugs is a shitty program that doesn’t work and often, the speakers just lie. Opipids are horrible enough that you don’t have to make up lies about them. When kids find out they lied about weed, they start to wonder what else they were lied to about. I can understand 14 year olds being dumb, but people in their 20s should know better than to be buying opioids on Snapchat and Telegram.

    Also, I don’t see a way how Snapchat can possibly regulate this. Just like with Craigslist, criminals will use emoji and code words to sell drugs and get through language filters.