I pay $75/yr to run my own file host just to have a vanity URL. That’s all you need to know to judge me.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I run my own file host: kimiga.aishitei.ru. Files get uploaded from clipboard using ShareX. This allows me to have control over my own files, how long they last or if they should last forever, and I’m not dependent on a benevolent developer preventing my links from rotting 8 years from now when they close down their host due to it costing them too much or simply because they got bored of being a sysadmin/dealing with issues (or users) of their site.

    I used to donate to pomf.se and used that as the image host because I was a supporter of the sysadmin - but it eventually grew too large and had to shut down. Then a bunch of pomf.se clones popped up and I used one of those - can’t remember which one but then that one shut down too after only a year. That’s when I decided to set up my own host.

    I don’t allow other users on the site because I don’t feel like having to deal with what users upload, DMCA requests, morally gray areas, etc.

    .ru domains are sometimes blocked so my backup is catbox.moe

  • Drew DeVault wrote a blog post back in 2014 that kind of covers it. Imgur seems to have broke the cycle but that doesn’t mean they haven’t gone to shit. They’ve just somehow avoided collapsing underneath themselves as they continue the enshittification of Imgur.

    I am fundamentally opposed to nearly all forms of advertising at an ideological level and go to great lengths to avoid it in as many of its insidious forms as possible. So that is where Drew and I differ. The only form of advertising I appreciate are extremely dry infomercials (no not the for-TV kind) and authentic word of mouth (not to be confused with “native” advertising or sponsors). Ads are a net negative on humanity and in too many ways to list but because the effects go through a layer of indirection - similar to how secondhand smoke is harmful for non-smokers. People are more OK with ads. It took making the public aware of secondhand smoke and the harm that smoking causes - even for non-smokers - before people took a privileged stance against smoking. That same level of awareness and condemnation will never happen with ads because people are OK with getting things “for free” that they otherwise would have to pay for. So they’ll willingly turn a blind eye to the harmful effects of advertisements and “put up with them”.

    Fuck ads.

  • I’ve been playing Runescape since grade school. I’m approaching a bit shy of 25,000 hours played (a little under 3 years). As an AFK’able “second monitor game” a good half of that is just “I’m at my computer anyway” but the other half is actual investment/more active playing.

    I don’t bother playing a game if I’m not going to invest a significant amount of time into it. I aim for 100% completion or reaching the top 0.1% of players if there is a competitive ranking system. It’s extremely rare for me to play a game that I don’t dump a minimum of 500 hours into.

    My play time is less now than it was when I was a teen but it’s still skewed towards the higher end due to me being fortunate enough to work from home with a FIFO queue of work. If my work is done - I can game during work hours if I want to. As long as I keep close tabs on my queue and handle anything as it comes in. This gives me 8~ hours of potential game time that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Since I need to be near my computer in case any work comes in - I’m pretty limited with activities I can do. I can some weights, browse the internet, cook a quick meal, or play video games. But I can’t really leave the house, go swim in the pool, etc.

  • I actually agree. Nobody explains DNS to people trying to understand how mail works. They don’t need to understand MX records, SPF records, DMARC, DKIM, or anything. All they need to know is sign up and how to use the To: field to start sending emails. Hell - you don’t even need to and probably don’t want to explain the purpose of the CC or BCC fields at this point either.

    If a user is trying to actually understand the underlying technology then the email analogy can be a first introduction. But if someone is technical enough to be trying to learn it’s better to just teach them about ActivityPub.

  • Please educate yourself on Tankies. They’re a bunch of fascist genocide apologists that are quite literally as bad as Nazis. Similar hateful ideology, just as fascist, same tactics of mass genocide, and they believe they are morally correct in anything they do because they’re anti-Capitalism and anti-Western nations.

    It’s a little more than “liking Stalin”. Genocide is merely a means to an end in an effort to establish a Socialist nation and as long as it is helping progress towards a Socialist state then it is morally correct to do so in their world view.




    Tiananmen Square massacre? Never happened - that’s Western propaganda.

    The Uyghur genocide? Not a genocide - the Uyghur are religious extremists and deserve to be imprisoned. Please stop listening to Western propaganda.

    Holodomor? More Western propaganda that never happened.

    Hong Kong? They need to stop being children and accept that Hong Kong is part of China. The protests are anti-China propaganda being paid for by the US and Britain to make China look bad.

    Russia is defending itself from Ukraine aggression and like always - Western nations are quick to interfere and turn it into anti-Russia propaganda.