“If you’re not with us, you’re against us”
Did the Pret a Manger have free bananas?
How will I ever decide whether or not to make this tradeoff???
I’ve introduced my coworkers to the concept of the “copilot pause” where you stop typing and your brain turns off while you wait for copilot to make a suggestion. Several of them can’t unsee it now and have stopped using copilot.
I’m personally very conflicted between my love of computers and the seeming necessity of conflict minerals in their construction. How much coltan is dug up every year just to be shoved into an IoT device whose company will be defunct in six months, effectively bricking the thing? Even if the mining practices were made humane, they wouldn’t be sustainable. My coworkers are very cool for tech workers. Vague anticapitalist sentiments. Hate Elon. But I don’t think they’re ready for this conversation.
I think this would be simple ActivityPub-wise, but would be more complicated in terms of moderation and would involve some non-arbitrary decisions.