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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Clickbait title for extra sensationalism. Nobody physically forced her to have the surgery to remove the implant.

    I sympathize with this woman however it was part of the trial for it to be switched off and removed at the end of the trial, which is what she agreed to, though it does raise a lot of questions about medical trials/procedures involving implants.

    If the company no longer exists but let her keep the implant, what happens when something goes wrong? Who is responsible, who do medical professionals trying to help with what went wrong contact for context, who bears the cost, what happens if it’s hacked, etc etc. If it was left in and she ended up dying, it’s guaranteed that headlines will talk about it being irresponsible and medical malpractice.

    Fwiw, reading the MIT review, this device didn’t prevent her seizures, but monitored brainwave activity and used an algorithm to predict the likelihood of an imminent seizure. She seems to have been an edge case in terms of successi in the trial.

    It seems the issue is that this gave her confidence to leave the house to do things. Prior to that she very rarely left the house because of the unpredictability of her seizures. It must suck to have that confidence, and therefore freedom, taken away.

  • Don’t have much personal experience with BX but they’re probably fine. But once you have backups of anything you care about the worst that can happen is you need to restore those backups. If its running a service you can’t do without then maybe a backup pi?

    I have RPis running on SD cards for years with no issues so realistically you probably won’t have any either but better to be prepared than not. And it also means that if you mess something up you can restore it to when it worked.

  • Do you want reliable, or do you want cheap? You must choose 1 from that list.

    If you’re not planning on putting anything critical on it and you’re doing backups, and you don’t mind being without its use for however long it would take you to replace it if it dies, pick anything.

    I’ve never had an SSD die on me Yet but I don’t buy cheap brands though I don’t buy top of the range and I usually buy at a good deal. Crucial MX has been reasonably priced in the past.

  • Driving fast can be enjoyable, ask a professional or even an amateur racer, but that’s not what I’m saying. A legally mandated limiter is going to cost drivers money to have it installed on cars that don’t have it. Governments aren’t going to pay to have it retro installed. Or if they did, there are better things to prioritize first. It’s also going to cause an increase in the price of new cars as well (because any reason to jack the price) though I suspect retro fitting is more expensive.

    People doing 90 in a 30 or drag racing down a street, rollin coal, etc etc - totally disagree with that sort of thing, I just don’t think punishing everyone else is the way to stop that issue. A fair and just legal/justice system that isn’t hobbled by bullshit partisan politics and lobbying would do wonders.