Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • That’s a very good way to put it; I know exactly what you mean. (There should be PSAs on TV for this kind of thing: hey, kids! If you experience this, you’re probably trans!)

    I’ve always (until very recently, of course) really hated buying clothes. One of the factors leading up to my egg-crack was my wife (justifiably) nagging me that my clothes were all falling apart and I really needed to get some new ones. She even very kindly offered to order some for me online. But I just… couldn’t. The idea of buying and wearing this stuff wasn’t something I could recognize in myself. And, at last, I realized that there might be something bigger going on.

  • Ouch! That reminds me of one of the episodes which led to my egg cracking…

    Scene: me, out drinking with some friends who just happen to all be women (no hint there, obviously). Fairly well-oiled at this point.

    Me: Since everyone else is a girl, maybe I should just become one too, ha ha!
    Fren (surprised): Where did that come from? Are you transgender? That’s cool if you are, I’m bi by the way.
    Me: Ha ha no, only joking, just felt like the odd one out that’s all, let’s change the subject right now…
    Me (to self): fuck fuck fuck where did that come from, I mean I do want to be a girl, but cis people don’t say that kind of thing, dumbass

    Get home; wake up with hangover and gender crisis.

  • I’ve sharpened mine maybe once or twice using a wetstone? (Should probably do it more often) Stropping usually seems enough to keep it working well. Technique is actually pretty simple: once you figure out how to hold it, it’s just like any other razor (stroke it over the skin, and never sideways). Although by changing the angle you can get really fine control in tight spots.