And in Germany the CDU being in government most of the FDR’s existence (and for 16 years before the last election) are loudly talking about being the “alternative” Germany needs (not coincidently choosing that term when the far-right AfD is the “Alternative for Germany”) to fix all the decade long issues… after less than 2 years in opposition.
Conservatives finally understood a simple truth. They only need the votes of their rich clients and the poor gullible morons for a majority and can ignore anyone between. And the populism used to achieve that is much easier and cheaper than an actual political program.
Because populism works. You invent or change facts to create simple problems or simplify complex problems ad absurdum and then present easy solutions. People like easy solutions and tend to believe it when it would be to much work to actually fact check the whole premise.
Which is exactly what you did there. For this reason a lot of people just quickly read through it decided “yeah, sound logical” and upvoted. And for exactly the same reason I picked the most bullshit claims from your comment in order and described how and why they are bullshit.
Your response? Not only ignoring the facts I mentioned but explicitly saying that it “doesn’t matter. What matters is what the public sees and hears about them.”… Fine, so you reject reality for narratives and actually think the latter is what matters. Good to know.
That also explains why you feel attacked by facts and perceive me as hateful… you do know that there actually is a medical term for people choosing the fantasy they want to believe in over factual reality, don’t you?