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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As much as Canadians like to believe conservatives and moderates don’t exist up here, we actually do. You don’t even have to be right wing to oppose the LGBT conglomerate.

    I’m a bisexual, socially liberal moderate who doesn’t like LGBT politics. It’s got nothing to do with being religious. In fact, it’s the way the LGBT ideology resembles a religion that I have the biggest problem with. They have their sacred idols, their dogma, and their blasphemies. They ignore science that disagrees with their beliefs, and they mark you as a heretic if you don’t subscribe to their tenets. The only thing they’re missing is a deity.

    I know it’s hard to believe, but you can be sex positive and still not be alright with pride parades where people march in bdsm gear. You can think drag shows are fine while still thinking they don’t need to be in our schools.

    And, really, that’s what solidified my stance against the LGBT political lobby. They won’t leave our kids alone. I’m one of the most live-and-let-live people you will ever meet. When you start trying to indoctrinate my kids because you believe your ideology is the norm (or should be), that’s where my accommodation ends.

    I accept you for who you are. I respect your existence just like I respect anyone else’s. But your ideas are not neutral, they are not without harm, and I’m the one who gets to guide the developing values of my kids. You’ve been in control of the direction of our society for too long. It’s time to draw some boundaries.

  • This is a semantic argument made to ignore the issue. The reality is that social media platforms effectively have become the “town square” where ideas are shared. Stifling legal speech in that environment is very effective censorship of ideas.

    You can argue that corporations have that right because they own the network. I disagree. Curation of what can be said on their platform turns them into a publisher, not a communications provider. Any lawyer active in that space could tell you how insanely detrimental it would be for that distinction to be made, at least in the U.S.

    Imagine your phone company deciding you can’t say certain words to other people using their service without facing dropped calls, suspensions of service, or being banned. All because your legal speech goes against the morality of the majority.

    That’s essentially what social media does at the moment. They are legally defined as, and receive the benefits of, a communications service. But they are acting like a publisher, deciding what is and is not allowed to be said. It’s a serious problem.

  • Do you believe they should receive immediate massive military aid? Because we’re basically in a Mexican stand off with Russia and China right now. As soon as we pass a line for what intervention Russia is willing to tolerate, we will start a cascade of events that will lead to WW3, and possible nuclear war. Most of us don’t want to see the planet nuked into extinction over a small war on the other side of the planet.

    Granted, I think war is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean we should rush into it. The bloodshed will get exponentially worse the minute this war becomes bigger than Russia v Ukraine, and we’re already very close to the tipping point in my estimation.

  • Why should a creator be responsible for the voiced opinions of their fans? That standard makes no sense no matter how you slice it. A creator’s job isn’t to police their audience, it’s to provide information/entertainment.

    Just because he has the power to censor people you don’t like doesn’t mean he should, or that it’s a reasonable ask. Instead of passively alienating you by not acting, censoring those people would actively alienate them. He’s much better off letting individuals take responsibility for their own comments, rather than joining any given side’s thought-police.

    As soon as you create the standard that you are responsible for what your fans say and do, you’ve lost. You can immediately be held accountable for the speech of the worst of them, and good luck regulating that.

  • PortableHotpocket@lemmy.catoAntiwork@lemmy.catoo bad
    1 year ago

    You think you don’t have to get a job under communism? My man, if you don’t want to work, capitalism is the much better system to bet on. Your labor can be overvalued under capitalism, letting you retire early. Under communism your value is equalized throughout the system regardless of your job. You work until you can’t work. If you can work and you choose not to, the government stops giving you food and water, and reappropriates your house.

    What you’re thinking of is a Star Trek post-scarcity utopia. There’s a reason it only exists in fiction.

    Nothing us stopping you from putting together a commune right now. You could go and form a communist society with some of your friends. Let me know how it goes when you all want to sit on your ass doing nothing and the food doesn’t just magically appear in front of you.

  • I mean, you’ve got to pay off the house. That takes a while. You’ve got to put in labor to trade for food. You’ve got to put in labor to trade for the beer and wings at the pub. The pub staff have to keep working to serve you. The plumbers, electricians, etc. have to keep working to maintain your home, your streets, the businesses you want to shop at. People need to labor to create the goods you want to buy. Farmers work very long hours to bring food to your grocer so you can trade your labor for it. Doctors, nurses, technologists, etc, work long hours so you can get healthcare when you need it.

    If you aren’t working one of the aforementioned jobs and you have enough money to pay for everything already, why should a doctor have to work any more than you are willing to work? They generally don’t need the money. But if they have the same attitude towards work as you do, you could come in to the hospital after a bad car accident to find no surgeons on site.

    I work 60 hours a week on average as a diagnostic technologist. If I wanted even just the typical 40 hour work week, that means if you have a car accident after 430 pm, you don’t get xrays, fluoroscopy, or CT. No head trauma scans, no stroke alert scans to decide on TPA administration, no scans to diagnose abdominal aortic dissection or pulmonary embolism or appendix rupture. All conditions that happen every day and could easily kill you.

    But maybe I should just take a load off and have a seat. After all, I’ve got a house and a pub.

  • This isn’t the reason piracy is coming back in my friend group. That reason would be the diversification of streaming sources. There’s no way I’m paying $100 a month for streaming from all the major players, especially if they include ads.

    When Netflix was all you needed, streaming was great and reasonable. It quickly became more trouble than it was worth over the last decade.