The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
Will on the sill?
It definitely looks like they were just doing a dirty job. I don’t know why you would assume that this is just the way they keep their hands.
Yeaaaah all of these things are very common among people with ADHD. So, not to put too fine a point on it, but you are super wrong.
Hell yeah! I love the music in starfield. If theres one thing bethesda consistently gets right, its the soundtrack.
You say that, but Fallout 76 had a legendarily bad release and its actually really successful after quite a few updates. Personally, im still enjoying starfield as it is today and am looking forward to more updates. Land vehicles especially!
At first i thought the upper cat’s tail was the lower cat’s body and it was hanging off the side. Gave me a jump!
Possibly the dumbest part of this is that gustavo fring was always gay
This is only frivolous if you think of it as being about 2 ounces of beer. Its not. Its about hundreds of thousands of people paying for something that they did not recieve. When you add it all up its quite a lot of stolen money! Also its absolutely Cinemark’s fault, even assuming they were given the wrong cups by the distributor (which is a bad assumption) its on Cinemark to make sure they are providing what they claim they are.
That seems like a wild assumption to make. The heart beat is regulated by electric pulses, i dont see why a thumping bass would have any effect on it
Setting aside the table drama which is the main point of the post, can I just say I love the idea of using a gift economy in a ttrpg? That just sounds so interesting as a more complex incentive to do quests and favors than coin. I might steal that for my own game lol.
Skyblivion is set to release 2025 if i remember correctly.
I think you are hot! These other pricks can go fuck themselves!
You’re right, hair length isn’t really a gender thing. On the other hand, hair length is totally a gender thing. But like not inherently? Yet it still is for sure. Fucking everything about gender be that way 😮💨
One Piece X Skyrim. I’d play it!
Its because they dont want to out people on accident.
I always thought it was binoculars, but its definitely a phone in this one. Wtf
One pair of underwear??? Bro get some help
People keep complaining about it, but i am enjoying the shit out of it. Just passed the 100 hour mark, and i havent even touched the faction questlines. I find the exploration very satisfying, the side quests well done and the main story… acceptable. I like the procedural genration, theres no way in hell a game of this scope could exist without it. The ship building is complex and satisfying, the ship combat is also fun, if somewhat basic. It has the same heart and soul as any bethesda game, if you like their other games i would highly reccomend Starfield.
So… mom?