23 year old Irish non binary satanist

  • 154 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I dunno, the media and its relationship to crime is well documented. Many people accept that old people that panic about inner city crime despite it being at a record low since the 1970s are victims of this phenomenon. Why is it difficult to believe that young women who consume a lot of true crime content aren’t also effected by this phenomenon in some way. I have studied psychology and I did do a journalism course which, admittedly, I dropped out of. I just don’t like how fear based society has become. People are just too quick to assume the absolute worst and I kinda view this bear question as a reflection on that.

  • Honestly, no matter what side of the debate you are on its still dystopian to think that women would actually think to go to a bear over a random man when faced with the choice.

    I am being introspective about this though. We created a culture of fear. A lot of it is through the consequences of rape culture and I think a large part is through an unhealthy about of true crime that’s being made. Constantly blasting worse case scenarios into people’s heads. I dunno, I just despise how we all just accepted not to trust one another and it seems like we’ve all just accepted that this to way to be about it. I just see it as a example of the alienation being pushed by capitalism.

    It’s makes me a little mad tbh. Being perfectly honest it should make everyone mad. Like tbh I still think going with a random guy is the correct answer to this but we all should come together, look at this whole situation and realise the dystopian implications of this.

  • Thank you. Its geniuely very heart warming knowing my post is actually going to help someone out there.

    Granted, I will say it’s going to be very hard to get them to open up if they go through something similar. Like if someone asked me how I was going back then I would of said grand (it’s an Irish thing to like keep positive and not make a big fuss over things) .

    Just encourage them to be open about there feelings even if they are angry. Teach them how to channel that anger into something productive rather than suppressing it.

  • Just making myself do things is very helpful. I dunno. It’s just that as I have gotten older I find I am better at making myself actually do things. I still have tons of things that I always have on the “I’ll get around to it queue” but I’ve improved especially with school work. One of the things that has motivated me is knowing how much it sucks to fail. How agonising that feeling is. I tell myself “alright do you want to get this done or do you want to hate yourself” sometimes and it seems to work.