Why not? There’s a long future for Ukraine, their politics will be marked by anti russian revenge sentiments for the next century. If I was a politician there I’d bang that drum. Russia will collapse, not if but when.
They can wait out Russia.
Why not? There’s a long future for Ukraine, their politics will be marked by anti russian revenge sentiments for the next century. If I was a politician there I’d bang that drum. Russia will collapse, not if but when.
They can wait out Russia.
Best comment I’ve seen on Lemmy. Maybe you’ll find it under your small domed hat or between your elbows when on your rug as well?
They having living descendants though.
Aye let it crumble and give it back to the natives it was stolen from.
I’m going to assume your grandmother was a catch.
Send pics plz.
To be fair that’s a proxy war between the US and the Arab world.
It was always going to end one way. People are mostly desensitized and the Oct events pushed the majority off the fence. Which was kinda the point. It’s a rats nest and anyone trapped there is unfortunately walking dead trapped between the gears of globalism.
American voters had zero say in it really. I’m not sure anyone can do anything really. It’s like trying to hold back the sea.
Lol what? Russia does not have air superiority. You need a functioning air force for that. They’re to scared to fly anything and Moscow has been hit by Ukrainian drones.
Lol air superiority. Lol I say.
Crys in simulator gamer. But agreed, hopefully this trend will be good for Linux use.
I know it’s conspiracy adjacent but I would be very unsurprised to find out Leon helped Trump steal the election.
You haven’t made a case.