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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • TL:DR … When you actually think more, feelings don’t screw you up as much.

    I had a prof in grad school who talked about an ‘enthusiasm index’ in academic research which essentially described how excited (emotional) people got about the findings of research (rational). In the real world, that’s just not how it’s supposed to work. Research is painstakingly logical, rational, thoughtful, step-by-step. Emotion has no place.

    The Enthusiasm Index in academic research essentially stated the more emotional the response to a study, the higher the probability the quality of the research was low (poorly designed, small or non-random samples, tiny p-ratios, maybe even cheated, etc.). Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos was probably a proud although unwitting purveyor of her own Enthusiasm Index and blinded many investors with the emotional high of a get-rich-quick pitch. Warren Buffett THINKS through his investments; feelings really are best served elsewhere…

  • Max Bazerman is a towering giant in the field: for him to be a co-author of a suspicious publication is beyond scandalous.

    Nothing less than the APA itself must intervene to definitively discover what happened and identify all involved (a host of PhD graduate students know and/or were participants). Censure must be from the highest levels if these allegations prove true.

    Then we can have an infinitely robust discussion about the ridiculousness of publish or perish in academia…