• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I have thought about your comment for a little bit and would like to respond candidly.

    I am just a regular person who has a differing belief about what constitutes a well-functioning government. There are possibly more views that we agree upon than disagree.

    At this exact moment,(because everyone’s beliefs are constantly changing with new ideas and information), the views I expect we differ on are: capitalism has been more socially beneficial than destructive, we should have a smaller more efficient government, and we should prevent erosion of the constitutional right to bear firearms.

    The views I expect that we agree on are: capitalism has not been properly regulated with regards to the environment (global warming was certainly caused by us), the ability to have an abortion should be codified in law, we should prevent the erosion of constitutional rights like free speech, privacy, and the ability to freely travel, while socialized healthcare will be very expensive and increase everyone’s tax burden, it will also be well worth the cost.

    I am a republican because I believe that my political viewpoints align with those of republicans. But I am not blind to the charlatans that have disgraced not only the republican party but also the broader American institution. I take comfort in the fact that I did not vote for Trump in either instance, choosing instead to vote for Biden when that time came.

    As for why I voluntarily “describe” myself as a republican because I genuinely believe that people discussing opposing views contributes to incrementally uncovering truth (which is often in the middle) and also serves to stave off the seemingly natural pull of humans to develop tribalism described by the phrase ‘us vs them.’