I feel this needs to be stated: the 3 year old definitely already had cavities.
The classic “detecting problems is what causes them” fallacy.
I feel this needs to be stated: the 3 year old definitely already had cavities.
The classic “detecting problems is what causes them” fallacy.
As someone who dipped their toe into Payday 2 and is beginning to swim in Payday 3, I’m not shocked. Payday 3 is missing a lot of quality of life features that Payday 2 has, and has a lot less content. Plus, Payday 2 has been around forever and Payday 3 is fundamentally different enough that a fair fraction of folks probably just won’t ever feel any need to switch.
That said, I think Payday 3 has a better skeleton that Payday 2, especially for new players like me, and I’m excited to see it grow (and become something more than the minimum shippable product) over time.
Right - in fact, from my knowledge, heat pumps only see use over direct electrical heating because they are effectively more than 100% efficient. They move more heat energy from outside to inside than they use in the transmission.
The breakdown between gas and electric heating isn’t necessarily a matter of how efficiently the energy is used once it gets to the home, it’s how expensive it is to get it there in the first place. In a lot, if not a majority, of places, it’s much cheaper to get gas piped in than it would be to pay for the same amount of heating via direct electric resistance. Heat pumps change the equation because they can make electric heating in places that don’t get outrageously cold economically competitive with gas.
I don’t think so - I’ve been playing since early access and you can block doors, it just usually takes 2 people to do so.
Putting Jump on a bonus action basically fills the role of tumbling through enemy (and ally) spaces.
I finished the game once, have 2 co-op games running with friends, and just started a modded playthrough where the whole party is Artificers. I highly recommend giving some of the mods a try once you’ve played through vanilla. They’re super easy to install and add so much fun an variety.